Example sentences of "it was not [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 Clara , when the idea was broached , declared instantly that it was not worth her while to ask her mother 's permission , whereupon the school embarrassingly said that if it were finance that were in question , then help might be forthcoming .
2 But when he spoke it was not of her but of Peach , how to feed him , what sort of supplements he should have , that although he had had his routine immunizations , he must have a booster at a year old and also an injection against a new sort of feline virus .
3 But it was not for her ;
4 The policewoman shot her a look which said that it was not for her to say so , even if she , herself , had been thinking it .
5 It was not for her to criticise him .
6 She had tried to enter the world of light , but it was not for her .
7 He had banged his glass on the table and it was not for her to disobey .
8 And as certainly as she knew these things , Cassie also knew that however it was that Johnny got his kicks , it was not for her .
9 If he felt that his work lay here , it was not for her to question his decision , but she sometimes wished that something might happen to make him change his mind .
10 No , it was not for her .
11 If it was not for her , this Council would have had more opportunity of addressing some of the deep problems the Tories either created or left behind .
12 It was not like her to flirt with married Englishmen .
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