Example sentences of "it was like [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 They were typical of part of what it was like to be homeless — having nowhere to go ; having to avoid all representatives of authority ; feeling tired and generally run-down ; and needing to have my wits at their sharpest at a time when they had become critically undernourished .
2 One of them , Peter Cornwell , later published a sunlit retrospect of what it was like to be one of Ebor 's ordinands , and how he valued the privilege that the bishop who ordained him was a thinker , as he put it , so profound .
3 But the pleasures are , of course , those of youth , and Lewis at the age of forty seems to have forgotten what it was like to be young .
4 For the first time in years he felt what it was like to be a truly free man .
5 Jinny wondered for the hundredth time what it was like to be in a family which sat up and watched the television of an evening .
6 What would Keith say if he really knew what it was like to be a Slattery ?
7 What it was like to be in the hot seat in front of his permanent sub-committee was described by the editor of the New York Post , James Wechsler : ‘ The grand inquisitor was by turns truculent , contemptuous and bland .
8 ‘ I wanted to show the reader what it was like to be me .
9 Had we forgotten what it was like to be young ?
10 But already she knew what it was like to be going home .
11 Deborah Moggach talks to Olivia Abbott about what it was like to be young , embarrassed , and in Bristol
12 A bit nosey , that was all , and Margaret understood what it was like to be nosey .
13 The fragment sheds some illumination on what it was like to be a feminist 50 years ago , though we would point out that it was written 20 years after the event with all the problems of interpretation that implies .
14 This was to keep alive , in boys whose privileged background might have encouraged complacent acceptance rather than active pursuit of power , a keen appreciation of what it was like to have it , and what it was like to be without it .
15 She lifted her chilly hands into the air and proclaimed : ‘ I rrremember what it was like to be a toad . ’
16 If he was a nonentity , one of the lowest of the low , then he wanted his work to reveal what it was like to be such an unfortunate .
17 Four months after he was cleared on appeal , David Reed tells Liz Fisher what it was like to be in the dock
18 For Paul Arkwright , recipient of honorary degrees , had known very well what it was like to be a student , and poor .
19 Asked what it was like to be home , Shane gestured to the crowd and said : ‘ Do I really need to answer that ? ’
20 There are times now when I ca n't even remember what it was like to be a wife .
21 How she had wanted him to kiss her , she did n't know what it was like to be kissed and Craig Grenfell was such a handsome man .
22 And Spencer would be caught , there was no doubting that , and then he would learn what it was like to be imprisoned behind grey walls and iron bars .
23 Based on his wartime diaries , Ron records what it was like to be in the nose of a Lancaster at night over Germany , and to be the radar eyes in the navigation cabin .
24 I saw that someone like Richard Pryor could just go out on stage and talk about what it was like to be Richard Pryor .
25 We were learning what it was like to be legionnaires .
26 I am totally convinced that most grown-ups have completely forgotten what it was like to be a child between say the age of five and ten .
27 He also knew what it was like to be alive and young .
28 In this case , the aim is not to collect mundane detail for its own sake — to say what it was like to be a Young Conservative at the time of the fieldwork in the early 1980s .
29 If it was going to happen , it must happen and then she would know what it was like to be kissed , which she did not know , now .
30 ‘ One day you 'll simply have it , and then you wo n't remember what it was like to be without it . ’
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