Example sentences of "it was [pos pn] [noun] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I mean that we go back a long way , and yes , there 's a very special relationship between us , but that 's because … ’ another pause , and he raked his fingers through his hair in a helpless , frustrated gesture ‘ … it was her sister I fell in love with all those years ago . ’
2 Yet I was still living amongst those who flourished in the world , and it was their food I used to eat .
3 When I think that every time I rejected your tenderness , it was your love I was rejecting — ’
4 ‘ You did n't believe me when I said I had n't distracted Simon and you would n't have believed me if I 'd told you it was your child I might be carrying , ’ she replied , her voice shaking a little despite all her efforts to project a calm image .
5 It was your voice I heard ! ’
6 If it was your picture I 've torn up .
7 So it was your petition I signed the other day , was it ?
8 Thinking it was my dresser I opened the door to find a News of the World journalist standing there .
9 When it was my turn I could n't think of anything to say .
10 Each one of us was beckoned over to have a go when it was my turn I rushed over and put the tanks on I then submerged It felt strange breathing under water like a fish the bubble emitted from the regulator trickled up the side of my face .
11 It was my responsibility I brought that child into the world , and there was no way I was going to thrust her off onto other people .
12 When I turned round it was my father I saw standing in the doorway .
13 Although it was my health I was considering , and no one else 's , it was still difficult to step out on my own and leap the bounds of convention .
14 It was my fault I neglected her .
15 It was his anger I recognized . ’
16 When it was our turn I found he had been right about the word antiquarian giving the immigration officers something to think about .
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