Example sentences of "it was [adj] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 It was frustrating to be cut off from such a view but of course the original builders of the house had not been impressed by such aesthetic considerations .
2 It was nice to be with others ; I had just had three weeks on my tod with company only in Reykjavik campsite .
3 And it was nice to be here with her , of course .
4 The last few months have been frustrating , so it was nice to be in action again .
5 And you want to know what it was like being fêted by the Stones and Led Zep , and how in ‘ 61 Bob Dylan got his first Greenwich Village pro gig with John Lee ( and was apparently pissed off because the man from the New York Times was far more interested in rapping with the bluesman ) , but he just says it was nice to be able to put young Bob on the bandstand .
6 And there was plump , placid , erotically drained Stuart beside me , looking so fucking … blithe , pretending it was nice to be met at the airport , and probably thinking about how he was going to claim back some Danegeld on the unused half of their return billets from Gatwick to Victoria .
7 If you were near the front , it was nice to be able to have a roll-up and drink your tea slowly and wake up a bit .
8 You were allowed so few clothes that it was nice to be able to wear something different .
9 It was nice to be able to tell the complete truth for once .
10 Yes , it was nice to be warned , and I passed the rope round the animal 's body in front of the udder and pulled it tight In a slip knot .
11 It was nice to be alone with him in Faye and Bill 's room , even though they were only doing the most mundane of jobs — stripping bed linen , dismantling head- and base-boards , and struggling with the big double mattress .
12 It was nice to be around Mandy .
13 He said : ‘ It was something I 'd never given any thought to , but it was nice to be asked , and when the Ulster Branch were happy to accept my nomination I was delighted to take up the offer .
14 It was pleasant to be quiet in an armchair thinking .
15 It was pleasant to be among books again .
16 It was pleasant to be in the kitchen and Melanie hummed to herself as she hung cups from their hooks and propped the plates .
17 Because we were so comfortable together , in a way it was pleasant to be alone again .
18 In fine weather it was pleasant to be in the harvest field , but as the season wore on lashings of cold or bleak shafts of wind driven rain made it disagreeable to handle the wet sheaves .
19 He too was a star and it was pleasant to be able to mention that they had drunk schnapps with him at Direktor Busacher 's house .
20 And it 's so odd , it 's hard now when somebody says , ‘ What was it like ? ’ or says , ‘ What did she use to wear ? ’ because of course we all saw her all the time and thought nothing of it , saw her at the very least once a week ( missing service , it was called , if you went a week without visiting , and it was certain to be discussed amongst the congregation when you did finally show up ) , it 's just very odd for me to think that you were never there and that this is all strange to you when to us it was just an ordinary life .
21 He said if anything bad ever happened in the school , it was certain to be his daughter who did it .
22 As such it was certain to be seen as a global cartel , and it was in fact denounced by individual European governments and the EC Commission as being in contravention of GATT .
23 He had never discovered when it was proper to follow his host about and when it was politic to be elsewhere .
24 It was ludicrous to be so young and yet a has-been .
25 Shortly before it was due to be changed , American astronauts decided to call a newly discovered planet Kirov Ballet .
26 Both times it was retrieved but in 1966 , while it was lying in the field just three days before it was due to be raised , the top half was stolen by a gang from Aberford again .
27 The move follows the publication of the Queen 's Christmas message 48 hours before it was due to be broadcast to the nation and claims that a BBC employee leaked the speech to a newspaper .
28 In deciding to take no action against the licence , Mr Peter said that he bore in mind that it was due to be renewed shortly when he would want a report on the company 's arrangements in regard to drivers ' hours and records .
29 It was due to be shown to the paying public in a preview on the Monday evening .
30 More important than either of these , it was due to be run again on the Saturday afternoon in front of Bobby Anscombe .
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