Example sentences of "it was [art] day she " in BNC.

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1 By the same token it was a day she normally spent at home , catching up on her marking , preparation and research , and she bitterly resented having to sacrifice it .
2 It was the day she received the Freedom of the City of London , at the Guildhall in July 1987 — a terrifying ordeal by anyone 's standards .
3 One of these documents had informed her that she was to be attached to a Mr Victor Wilcox , Managing Director of J. Pringle & Sons , for one day a week during the remainder of the winter term , and she had chosen Wednesdays for this undertaking since it was the day she normally kept free from teaching .
4 One woman told me that it was the day she was able to swim the width of the local pool after years of being afraid .
5 It was the day she made up her mind that she met Andrew on the Moor .
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