Example sentences of "it was [adj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He said it was worthless having a respected financial sector that did nothing to help the economy and added that the vested interests of the sector needed to be tackled so that the benefits could be accrued by everyone in Scotland and not just a selected minority .
2 The Doctor knew that it was futile to resist the intruder .
3 Apart from the Master Coach Awards for Ernie Gallagher and Mike Holmes ( reported in Tuesday 's Echo ) it was nice to see a similar award going to Charlie Kelly , the leading Midland region coach now based in Kenilworth .
4 Thank you very much for your cards which arrived all together just before my birthday on the 15th. it was nice to see the pictures of the priory & of Durham Cathedral — the buildings around here look very flimsy and new in comparison !
5 It was nice to receive the April edition of Pilot , with your excellent ‘ Where to Fly ’ guide , in which we are pleased to be included .
6 I was n't dependent on coke , any more than it was nice to have a line after a heavy day — just like someone might have a glass of wine .
7 I was n't thinking specifically of old Leeds managers , with a couple of noteable exceptions , but it was nice to have a lot of my favourite ever players included in the same message ! !
8 I must say , it was nice to have a chauffeur in strange territory .
9 Ardiles claimed : ‘ Everyone was expecting a shock result here , so it was nice to prove the doubters wrong . ’
10 It was nice to hear the radio 5 commentator say that Leeds play one of the most attractive styles of football around .
11 But it was nice to know the crowd appreciated my performance . ’
12 It was nice to get the goal when I did , ’ added McNab , ‘ because it killed the game off .
13 We er we got very close to beating Bellevue at Bellevue which was okay I mean everybody 's a bit rusty so and we were experimenting with tyres and everything and er it was only a challenge , but it was nice to get the first meeting on the way and er I was very impressed by some of er the team members of what I saw , I knew er team mate Dean Bargger was doing particularly well scoring 11 points and er he 's really a promising er youngster which I think we can get a lot of use out of , and er in general I mean you know Ellis Stevens was doing particularly well as well , so if those two can keep doing well during the season , then okay mine had a few problems , she only scored 3 points , but that was just a one-off so yeah I thing we look quite strong on paper again now .
14 It was pleasant to take a hot drink up to her room and have it beside her as she sat in her silent room reading in the empty house in the afternoons .
15 So , then , I decided it was better to see the finish than not to finish at all . ’
16 If the regret of the bereaved was not to be alleviated by continuing remembrance and hope of reunion , the whole process became one from which it was better to avert the eyes .
17 It was better to stop every day 's travel early so as to have good energy for raising a tent , digging an igloo , building a platform up a tree .
18 He decided it was better to leave the library until the place had quietened down .
19 She believed it was better to leave the currency to find its own level .
20 Watching the other pair struggle , I decided it was better to enjoy the view and convince myself they were incompetent .
21 But ministerial aides said it was better to get the increase out of the way this week , rather than have it happen during the conference .
22 All in all , it was better to have a tolerable tenement than the ideal which no one could afford .
23 The Shah , according to Afshar , replied that the British and American ambassadors had been against it ; they thought it was better to have a quiet man like Azhari who could discuss problems with mullahs leading the revolutionary ferment .
24 If he had to be a slave , it was better to have a fair master .
25 He was backed by Walton colleague Daphne Hall , who said she could not see how anyone could fail to support it , and felt it was better to have the Naze under a management scheme .
26 Over the years since then , the debate on whether it was better to cross the Channel by tunnel , bridge or ferry had raged to and fro .
27 IBM Corp 's James Cannavino took some time out to explain exactly what Louis Gerstner is doing with regard to the company 's restructuring — Gerstner , he says , ‘ has stopped any organisation in IBM that was creating a subsidiary just for accounting reasons ’ — instead , he decided it was better to change the accounting practices — ‘ which is great ’ declares Cannavino , ‘ because it means that the accountants are staying up as late as we do now ’ .
28 Cannavino took some time out to explain exactly what Louis Gerstner is doing with regard to the company 's restructuring — Gerstner , he says , ‘ has stopped any organisation in IBM that was creating a subsidiary just for accounting reasons ’ — instead , he decided it was better to change the accounting practices — ‘ which is great ’ declares Cannavino , ‘ because it means that the accountants are staying up as late as we do now ’ .
29 A quick glance between Rose and the girls was enough for them to know that it was better to make no mention of their elder brother .
30 It was rather a joint discussion of whether it was better to precipitate a strike or the unemployment which would result from continuing the present terms .
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