Example sentences of "it was [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At first glance , late Anglo-Saxon political history portrays a state riven by internal discord and highly vulnerable to external enemies : only fifty years after the Danish conquest it was subjugated again by the Normans .
2 It was confirmed later in October that the EC would provide further food aid worth some US$50,000,000 .
3 It was diagnosed eventually as congenital heart failure , though at first doctors thought it was liver failure , but it had also affected the lungs .
4 It was supported only in London and the South-West .
5 She did not specify , even to herself , the harm that might come to Alice , but it was bound up with love , with loving a man .
6 It was farmed out to Broadway people to put together , and cost an enormous amount of money .
7 ‘ So what do we do ? ’ asked Jimmy , looking back at the cabinet where it was wedged tight at the office door .
8 It was getting on towards moonset when they left the fields and entered the wood .
9 It was getting on towards 5 am and that left her only two hours before her husband got up .
10 It was getting on for ‘ good night ’ time when I fell in with an old lady who complained that the naughty children of Sligo pulled her ivy down and swore at her .
11 Now it was getting on for five o'clock .
12 Then began a remarkable conversation which went on for some time ; it was getting on for five when she left .
13 It was getting on for 5 o'clock and the village were batting .
14 There seemed nothing I could usefully add to whatever Henniker might be doing , and as it was getting on for half past twelve I decided to find a pub and a sandwich .
15 It was getting on for two in the afternoon as she crossed the Rådhuspladsen on her way towards the old part of the town .
16 It was getting on for ten of the storm-lashed grim night clock when the headlights appeared .
17 It was getting on for Tony-Coton-at-Man-City-last-august standards .
18 Soon she was completely absorbed , and when she finally straightened and looked at her watch she was staggered to find it was getting on for six o'clock .
19 By then it was getting on for lunchtime but , sauntering through the colonnade , she could n't resist first climbing a flight of stairs to take a look at some of the splendid Bohemian glassware on display .
20 ‘ I forgot the hour , ’ he added , and when Fabia , glancing at her watch , saw that , incredibly , it was getting on for three , she realised that when Ven was working it must be that he did n't give thought to food .
21 It was getting through to the readers on a human level that counted .
22 So I thought I 'd put in for that , it was a lateral move you know , but still it was getting back to my depot and nearer my home .
23 It was getting more like a grousemoor by the minute .
24 Back in Belfast , it was getting close to printing time , but men who thought they had finished work for the day were summoned from the former Brown Horse pub across the street and the result was that the ISN was the first paper in the world to carry the tragic story .
25 But it was getting harder with every moment she spent with him .
26 But it was getting out of those beta-waves , down into the alpha-waves and into what is called the fifth state of consciousness — the healing state — that was so difficult .
27 Andy Slater had organised and taken part in the race , but with its rapid growth it was getting out of hand and he decided to back out .
28 It was getting out of hand , like .
29 It was getting out of hand , the stupid innuendoes .
30 It was hidden away down a dingy little cul-de-sac ending in a railway embankment and a station hardly anyone used any more .
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