Example sentences of "it is not [indef pn] [that] " in BNC.

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1 But it is not one that voters seem much interested in .
2 But while it is potentially a big market , it is not one that will arrive tomorrow .
3 If this seems an abstruse form of cultivation it is not one that is limited to modern agriculture , but can be found in many suburban gardens where , acre for acre , the concentrations of both fertilizer and pesticide are higher than on the average arable farm .
4 Unfortunately , although this is clearly an important and interesting exhibition it is not one that we would wish to accommodate here , essentially because — practicalities aside — we are not a general art exhibition venue , and as a matter of policy only mount displays which relate to our collections or , more broadly , to the world of books .
5 This process seems to have been handled badly , even if it is not one that lends itself to sensitive treatment .
6 Nevertheless it is not something that we can ignore , for the teacher needs feedback from her students ' performances in order to judge the effectiveness of her teaching and may need to know that students have reached certain standards before progressing to more difficult work .
7 Religion is not an individualistic affair ; it is not something that concerns a man in isolation from his fellow men ; it is not simply a matter for the individual soul seeking release , or mok a , from the endless cycle of birth , death and rebirth , or sa sāra .
8 It is not something that I have and you do not , or vice versa ; nor is it a commodity with which some people have the good fortune to be more generously endowed than others .
9 In addition , it is not something that can be delegated and employees can not escape their responsibility by delegation .
10 I have prefaced this last thought with the word " ideally " since I know it is not something that is at all easy to achieve .
11 It is not something that will bring them to the Church and to Jesus .
12 It is not something that people easily embark upon .
13 In that respect it seems to me that it is not something that is necessary to come through the full procedure of the council in order for you to do and I I thought that would would deal er establish .
14 Assimilation of place is only noticeable in this regressive assimilation of alveolar consonants ; it is not something that foreign learners need to learn to do .
15 However , it is not something that happens overnight .
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