Example sentences of "it is [not/n't] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is not that they showed no mercy on the streets of Jericho .
2 It is not that they are extreme , or personally off-putting .
3 It is not that they are not used : vitamins are prescribed and bought on a massive scale for people without the slightest hint of a deficiency , and ginseng is now sold in chemists and health-food shops in the UK to the tune of no less than £7 million a year .
4 It is not that they are too slow to avoid being hit , but that they simply do not hear the cars speeding towards them .
5 It is not that they are less likely to be murdered , raped , robbed , or assaulted — although the best scientific evidence based on victimization surveys shows this to be true ( Hindelang , Gottfredson , and Garofalo 1978 ) — but that in the criminal law , definitions of murder , rape , robbery , assault , theft , and other serious crimes are so constructed as to exclude many similar , and in important respects , identical acts , and these are just the acts likely to be committed more frequently by powerful individuals .
6 It is not that they are not capable of competing ; it is simply that there have been no great black performers in these areas in history ( due to lack of opportunities and facilities ) and no tradition exists .
7 It is not that they are facts in the absolute .
8 It is not that we can not remember characters ' names , but that minor characters are often not important enough to bother about .
9 It is not that we do n't like banks , just , well , I 've never even had a personal overdraft . ’
10 It is not that we are afraid to do so but simply that the occasion never really arises .
11 It is not that you have to be ‘ good ’ , just stop believing you are ‘ bad ’ .
12 If this is relativity it is like Einstein 's , by which it is not that you can make any measurement come out as you please , but that from any spatio-temporal viewpoint you can estimate what will be the right measurement from any other .
13 When you have finished the novel it is not that you have really finished it , but that you have decided to do no more work on it .
14 It is not that I wore sleeveless blouses they were always long sleeved and not Choli 's either but even then they disliked it .
15 It is not that I am in favour of it , it is what is happening .
16 It is not that I am heartless .
17 as if reading her thoughts , Mrs Browning then said , ‘ It is not that I am afraid of dying , you know .
18 It is not that I have no reason to submit to the moral law and can do as I please ; I am left with no reason even to do as I please .
19 It is not that I inferred from the resemblance in shape that it was a man , until I began to doubt I was not thinking about it at all .
20 It is not that I am inferring information about him by analogy ; without the incipient mimicry I would not be perceiving him as a man , would be seeing him as an automaton only outwardly resembling myself .
21 It is not that I have n't got time for girls .
22 I have been accused of favouring Transworld in the past , so I feel I must defend myself and say that it is not that I love Transworld so much as that I admire success .
23 She felt a frisson of gratitude at his thoughtfulness ; then , reminded absurdly of Ethel ( who had not so much wanted to be a bridesmaid , as to be asked ) : It is not that I look forward to it , she thought , if Frank was anything to go by , but at least I would expect to be , tonight , a little irresistible …
24 It is not that I do n't long for my former mate , But because of you I wo n't reach my flock . ’
25 It is not that I have forgotten what other people are like .
26 It is not that I am not eligible ,
27 It is not that it has a design stamped on it , since once again it is not difficult to find other examples of metalwork decorated in a similar way .
28 It is not that he does n't care , just that his sense of values are different — not better , not worse , just different .
29 It is not that he lies about them , rather that only a patient and omnivorous prospector would have found the particular treasures which he quotes .
30 Still , it is not that he wants biologists to give them more credit for maintaining the planet .
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