Example sentences of "it is [adv] [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it is simply that you do not have the courage to do so .
2 Yet in a country where the pull of the past is so strong and the future so tantalising , it is best when you are travelling to live exclusively in the present .
3 In order to disguise what you are doing from your spectators it is best if you stand with your left side to the audience as the crucial move occurs on the inside of the left hand .
4 It is best if you keep the doors locked , ’ said Mr Thabane to me .
5 It is best if you make each drawing to the same scale .
6 ‘ My Lady , ’ Athelstan said softly , it is best if you tell the truth .
7 When you start there is a sense in which everything you do is right , there is no clear sense of wrong , though of course it is here that you may make the inevitable false move , take the inevitable wrong turning .
8 It is here that you can try things out and work on your whole repertoire of turns ( refer to previous Pocket Clinics for inspiration ) .
9 Pressing on OK shows the resulting bullet chart in the Slide Editor and it is here where you can change the bullet attributes if required
10 If it is even if you 've never heard of them before you know sort of funnium carbonate or something
11 If you delay it until he/she is two or three years old , it is probably because you are subconsciously thinking of discipline as something unpleasant rather than a positive way of giving direction and equipping the child for
12 Everyone has some quality they like , even if it is just that you are kind to animals .
13 Yeah thing about it is though when you 're looking at this , you wan na be looking as to which is the Produces the smallest numbers .
14 ‘ And it is there that you also are staying ? ’
15 It is then that you find and join the Bisus to learn the old ways of magic .
16 You should also bear in mind that it is only once you have reached the end of the road in trying to obtain satisfaction through the Bank 's own complaints system that the Ombudsman will be able to formally consider your complaint .
17 It is only after you have the key words on paper that you can begin to structure them .
18 It is only after you are married that you discover their true nature . ’
19 It is only if you pretend and try to sweep it under the carpet that you get a bigoted response , ’ Mr Purton added after the vote .
20 It is only if you kneel down and call him to you that will he come slowly for his apology .
21 The prevailing value system suggests that it is only if you have paid in full for what you receive that you fully deserve to have it .
22 If that makes the agent sound unpleasant it is only because you are still seeing the profession through rose-coloured spectacles .
23 It is only because you want to pry , to discover who writes to me , that you come out in this way every morning .
24 These older boards still sail perfectly well in lighter winds and it is only when you start improving to stronger wind conditions that the difference becomes apparent .
25 Basically that it 's there to be enjoyed and that it is only when you enjoy it that you play at your best — I always enjoy my cricket .
26 Everything I have learnt teaches me that it is only when you work with rather than against people that achievement and lasting success is possible .
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