Example sentences of "it is [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is rather a find , ’ she agreed .
2 But maybe it is rather a response to the real threat which we single expatriate women , with all our means and mobility , present to family structures here .
3 But for the young , it is rather a question of the scales falling from their eyes , and having nothing to believe in any more .
4 One that it is rather a myth .
5 Curiosity satisfied , it is rather a relief to emerge from darkness to daylight .
6 It is rather a place to make a man forget that there is any necessity for treason ! ’
7 I believe that this view is too strong , that , although porn does reinforce certain attitudes towards women , in the main , it is rather a symptom , and not a major part of the cause , of power relations that exist outside the pages of Penthouse , Playboy , etc. , and outside the cinemas in Soho or Amsterdam ( see Moye , 1985 ) .
8 In the case of words which combine a fairly definite descriptive meaning with a valuational meaning it is rather a puzzle to say what correct linguistic usage bids one do , if one recognizes that something answers to the descriptive meaning , but does not have the attitude towards it which the word expresses in virtue of its ‘ value charge ’ , as one might put it .
9 It is rather a display of witty dexterity , depending for its effect upon a sharing of specialized learning between author/narrator and readers/listeners .
10 It is rather a perspective that recognizes and takes full account of the reality of such crime within the world and which stands at a distance from it .
11 It is rather the kind of causal concomitant of the blow that has wholly to do with internal processes of tissue regeneration .
12 It is rather the development of a portfolio of projects at Bristol which merit investment on sound practical grounds .
13 It is rather the reverse ; it means an increased recognition of the importance of seeing oneself as part of the new Europe which is emerging .
14 It is rather the creation of new public spheres in which citizens , including media workers , can play a full role in their community , and in the community of communities . ’
15 It is rather an attempt to move from a clearer understanding of support tasks to the organisation of skill ( and staff ) mixes required to perform support tasks .
16 It is however a function of Skelton to enhance the setting of York , is n't it ?
17 It is however an approach which has its limitations .
18 It is however the interaction of ‘ texts ’ that is the subject of Barthes 's book .
19 The discussion is more neutral only in so far as it is assumed that the curriculum ( such a global phenomenon ) is no-one 's responsibility in particular , and clearly this is so in an individual sense — but it is however the responsibility of the profession to take a leading role in this area and at the moment it is not fulfilling this role .
20 It is however the language politicians have grown accustomed to , as have businessmen and industrialists , for cross-country communications .
21 It is however the arrival of Michael Heseltine at the DTI that will flutter the dovecotes most of all .
22 This is usually seen as a weakness but it is equally a strength .
23 It is equally an offence to administer drugs to a woman for a similar purpose or to procure a girl under 21 or a defective to have sexual intercourse with a third party in any part of the world .
24 The nice thing about this system is that the above double resonance can be guaranteed : the refractive-index change induced by the strong pump beam actually moves the comb of longitudinal modes with respect to the pump frequency ( it is strictly the product of.length and refractive index that determines the mode frequencies ) .
25 Secondly , it is similarly an offence for someone in the course of a business to publish such a notice in any advertisement ( or catalogue or circular ) or to supply goods bearing any such notice .
26 But I do n't myself think it is simply a love fantasy .
27 It is simply a system that combines proven practices for healthy soil with the best in modern biological knowledge and one that recognises animals as living creatures rather than inanimate objects Organic campaigners look forward to the day when organic farming provides most of our food and surely this is the best prospect for agricultural policy as it moves into the next century .
28 It is simply a plan to privatise health care .
29 It is simply a reflection of the incidence of disability and is not due to any unduly favourable treatment by the social security system .
30 It is simply a case as I said in my summary that er er C One is a policy that is applicable , because it 's a conservation area .
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