Example sentences of "it is [adv] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 It is elegantly furnished with antiques .
2 This is at its most extreme for lung cancer , which is an almost entirely avoidable cause of death ( i.e. it is strongly associated with smoking ) .
3 It is well known that despite substantial industrial and occupational changes , the degree of gender segregation in employment is still substantial , it is strongly associated with inequality and it restricts women 's career opportunities .
4 But there will be no increase for spirits , a move welcomed by the Scottish whisky industry which has always argued that it is unfairly dealt with .
5 Jameson and Davis recognise , however , that it is somehow linked with developments in capitalism itself .
6 It is tastefully appointed with many fine antiques and select paintings .
7 The first rule governs some processes that might not involve an overall change of spin , but it is conveniently considered with the spin rule .
8 It is generally fitted with an additional diffuser such as a glass cloth scrim , and positioned so as to give a lighting intensity of about one half of that of the key light .
9 Although the term , delta , was originally derived from the Greek letter which approximates in shape to the Nile delta , it is generally used with a wider range of meanings today .
10 As the ‘ derived offers ’ figure rises during the cycle it is automatically flagged with CARE at 75 per cent of the maximum to be made , STOP at 85 per cent and FULL at 100 per cent .
11 When a Design Change ( DC ) is created , it is automatically associated with the user who creates it .
12 The study of technology is important in its own right , but it also deepens our understanding of a society as a whole because it is intimately connected with the way in which people are organised and the structure of their economy .
13 It is intimately connected with the offence .
14 The plume of smoke is safely confined to the lower atmosphere , which means that it is soon mixed with fresh air and removed from the sky by rain .
15 In the broadest sense , STYLE can be applied to both spoken and written , both literary and non-literary varieties of language ; but by tradition , it is particularly associated with written literary texts , and this is the sense of the term which will concern us .
16 Any opening of oneself psychically , particularly at ancient sites which have a long and largely unknown history , can be hazardous , and it is best undertaken with caution and proper attunement .
17 It is best treated with gradually improved general fitness , relaxation therapy and physiotherapy .
18 It is best treated with relaxation therapy and with just lying in bed , resting , even if sleep does not come .
19 It is best lubricated with wax , rather than a water misting system .
20 It may be argued that because the affective domain deals with qualitative differences it can not be planned for in the same systematic way that is applied to knowledge , and that it is best dealt with by providing suitable models , and by discussion when problems and student needs arise .
21 Although I know little of Madrid , I do know that the ring road around it is best driven with the accelerator pedal through the floor , like all those maniacal Spanish drivers in front and behind you , the steering wheel gripped tightly , eyes shut and prayers in profusion to the Almighty for safe exit from the maelstrom .
22 I touched earlier on some of the reasons why we find open behaviour in this country so difficult and I believe it is partly to do with emotion .
23 In the Ardennes and northern France it is conventionally identified with the Grande Faille du Midi , which has other names further east , but is conveniently referred to collectively as the Midi Overthrust ( Bless el al .
24 It is negatively sloped with respect to price because of the inverse relationship between bill prices and rates of discount .
25 It is frequently mixed with other fibres , particularly cotton , to impart improved life and easy-care qualities .
26 It is either to do with sex or with overeating .
27 It is even fitted with a carburettor heat control and the only thing I found slightly confusing was that there were four cylinder head temperature gauges fitted .
28 It is primarily linked with the speech or discourse event .
29 It is well provided with Scanning Electron Microscope facilities and has a Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope .
30 It is well equipped with its own sharp protective senses , especially hearing .
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