Example sentences of "it is still [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To divide a book into chapters each dealing with a particular type is to sidestep the identification issue completely , yet it is still frequently done .
2 And it is still firmly embedded in the common man 's common sense , a fact which unscrupulous politicians are all too eager to exploit .
3 2 In spite of the enormous flow of creative production by women over the last 20 years or so , much of it is still little known outside ‘ feminist art ’ circles .
4 In China , although a system has been proposed and taught , it is still not used by deaf people .
5 It is still not known how many women ( or men ) who are HIV antibody positive will go on to show symptoms of AIDS .
6 It is still not known exactly when the oyster beds on the Arabian shore of the Gulf began to be worked .
7 However , it is still not known how much Clough will cost .
8 Britain 's labour market may be working better , but it is still not working well .
9 The county council started the EDDR almost 50 years ago and it is still not finished .
10 Now it is standing at a huge sum , growing rapidly , and it is still not going where it is needed ’ .
11 Even with direct response , it is still not going to be clear , without a long series of tests , why the winning ad is best .
12 But it is still widely believed that it was a game which was avidly played at Poitiers whenever Marie , her chaplain Andrew , and Chrétien de Troyes came to visit Eleanor .
13 The finding of anaemia at presentation in almost half our patients is worth noting as it is still widely taught that this is an indicator of chronic rather than acute renal failure .
14 It is still widely held that the traditional or conventional nuclear family is the only suitable environment in which children can grow up and that any deviation from this norm puts children at a considerable disadvantage .
15 It is still widely used on citrus fruit , soybeans , coffee beans , tobacco , cotton and other crops .
16 There is , obviously , quite a lot of work being done in the relatively straightforward field of identifying advertising 's effect on sales through econometric methods , though it is still largely confined to about half-a-dozen large agencies and a similarly limited group of client companies .
17 But it is still generally recognized as a Methodist village , and Hannah is counted among the worshippers at the chapel who are , in the main , elderly .
18 It is still generally known as the gateway to the Emmental .
19 It is still instinctively held that those involved in engineering science should be useful handymen and will have oil on their hands .
20 It is still often known as Norfolk reed ; and in contrast to ordinary straw thatch , which has a lifetime of thirty years at most , a well-laid thatch of Norfolk reed may last as long as eighty years .
21 I 'd like to return to Spurn whilst it is still there to return to — before the gales of winter win their battle and demolish it yet again .
22 This lays it open to Walter Benjamin 's critique even more than the classic realist novel , for it is still further removed from his concept of storytelling .
23 The lime juice myth was so firmly entrenched that it is still commonly believed .
24 In such a close-knit community as Shetland ( it is still relatively closeknit despite claims to the contrary ) it is unlikely that viewpoints could be sequestered away .
25 Surprisingly , perhaps , in an irreligious age , nearly a third of the highest prices were for works associated with the Bible , showing that , if the conclusion is not too naive , respect and affection for it is still deeply ingrained and that , at least in fine editions , it is still a best-seller .
26 In this sense , despite the greater sophistication of this analysis , it is still centrally located within an instrumentalist account of power in capitalist society and suffers from an over-reliance on defining the state as an object for class rule .
27 Chapter 4 will make it clear that there is today a crisis of credibility with respect to this particular theory of the constitution , but , even so , it is still actively promulgated as an account of the reality of British politics .
28 In such cases the extended family begins to look quite complex , but it is still essentially based upon the original pair , and when young do become fully adult they are driven away or wander off on their own to form separate pairs .
29 Although it is still popularly assumed that men are more prone to fall prey to the ravages of ‘ burnout ’ due to overwork and unhealthy lifestyle , all the evidence now points to women , especially aged between 35 and 50 , as today 's prime targets of stress .
30 It is still popularly held , in the face of all the evidence , that women are incapable of doing certain forms of work .
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