Example sentences of "it is find that the " in BNC.

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1 Using data for the Palaeozoic and Tertiary coals , it is found that the maximum rate of hydrocarbon generation for both coals occurs at a vitrinite reflectance of about 1% ( Figs. 10 and 11 ) .
2 When these are issued to patients with the instructions , it is found that the amount of acute visiting required is cut down considerably .
3 In many of the societies described it is found that the collective is emphasized rather than the individual .
4 About the exchange of bird species between closely adjacent islands Wallace noted : ‘ Birds offer us one of the best means of determining the law of distribution ; for though at first sight it would appear that the watery boundaries that kept out the land quadrupeds could be easily passed over by birds , yet practically it is not so ; for if we leave out the aquatic tribes ( seabirds ) which are preeminently wanderers , it is found that the others ( and especially the passeres , or perching birds , which form the vast majority ) are often as strictly limited by straits and arms of the sea as are quadrupeds themselves . ’
5 In theory the entries should correspond with the entries in the cash book of the business ( but on opposite sides ) ; in practice , however , it is found that the cash book balance and the balance as shown on the bank statement rarely agree .
6 When this risk is compared to other cancer risks , it is found that the lifelong risk from passive smoking is more than 100 times higher than the estimated effect of 20 years ' exposure to chrysotile asbestos normally found in asbestos-containing buildings [ 5 ] .
7 As before , it is found that the infradiagonal elements become smaller at each step until the similar transform of A is ultimately upper triangular ( or quasi-triangular if A has complex eigenvalues ) ; i.e. a matrix T given by unc The following point is important .
8 The experiment is now performed and it is found that the bats avoid collisions just as efficiently as before .
9 This time it is found that the ability of the bats to avoid obstacles is considerably impaired .
10 When a man 's vote is wanted , he is in China ; when enquiries are made as to an overdue subscription , it is found that the member was last heard of in a shipwreck off New Guinea .
11 If it is found that the home record is not the one required , the link address is used .
12 This is done for its own sake but it is found that the primary sufferer will quite commonly seek treatment through his or her appropriate Anonymous Fellowship within a few months of the family member seeking his or her own recovery .
13 If one side of the package is replaced by a glass window , so that light can fall on the memory cells , then it is found that the incident light accelerates the decay process in manner proportional both to the intensity and to the duration of the exposure .
14 The average delay over the whole period is 4.8 years , but if the data are split into the two time periods represented in the Rolfe & Will lists , it is found that the average delay for the 1960-1976 period is 8.8 years , whereas the average for 1976-83 is 1.9 years .
15 However , if it is found that the problem is unrelated to LIFESPAN , then a charge will be made at the current commercial rates for the labour and expenses incurred .
16 It is found that the former can give rise to convection even when the latter is sufficiently strong that the net effect of the two is a decrease ; i.e. lighter fluid overlies heavier .
17 It is finding that the phrase ‘ equal opportunity ’ is usually a meaningless compromise ; if the good things of life are really dependent on opportunity — which everyone knows they are not ; would the rich and powerful really be so careless ? — what human agency has the hubris to imagine it can deal out opportunity in a fair or even meritorious fashion ?
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