Example sentences of "it is just the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He has not done a lot of opera but thinks that it is just the way things worked out .
2 You know , and if it is just the way it happens , particularly when you get a er , an envelope with says here you are , have free drinks , you know that some people , they do n't drink at all so they can go to somebody else and say here you are .
3 Indeed , it is just the space between these contradictions that subordinate groups fill with their demands for legal change .
4 Despite Harvey Pitcher 's reservations as to Martha 's ability to afford such a gift , I 'm sure it is just the kind of thing she would have engineered as a token of thanks .
5 Sports Council chief Peter Yarranton said : ‘ It is just the ticket ’ .
6 The discussion is based on what the author calls the ‘ Boltzmann-Gibbs ’ entropy , but in the terminology used above it is just the Gibbs entropy .
7 It is just the luck of the dice .
8 It is all too easy to counterpose ‘ need ’ versus ‘ profit ’ as the criterion for production — in fact it is just the mirror-image of the apologetic proposition that production for profit is essentially the same thing as production for need .
9 It is just the ratio of initial compliances , which must be applied to the observations of J(t) before they are plotted . )
10 Either way , the general guidelines for healthy eating stay the same , it is just the quantities of food that may be different .
11 Do you reckon it is just the money grabbing bastard directors , or Batts pissed off 'cos he was on the bence on Saturday .
12 The resources for training programmes are available in the form of premises , training staff and ideas — it is just the time that is missing to allow staff to participate ’ …
13 I do n't know whether it is just the advance of modern technology within the family , or whether it is because the type of material the fire is built with nowadays would n't let them taste quite so good .
14 ‘ No theory explains everything , ’ she remarks elsewhere , ‘ yet it is just the desire to explain everything which is the spur of theory . ’
15 How ancient this thought is we can see by noticing that it is just the figure Plato used in The Republic to supply his political myth justifying political inequality ( Bk .
16 ‘ The Occupational therapy department are looking for things to put on the wall , whereas for the elderly patients themselves , it is just the process of working that they find enjoyable .
17 It is just the sort of Continental charter that was despised by Dicey .
18 The word ‘ Pish ’ is not in the libretto : hardly a matter for surprise — it is just the sort of embroidery that a singer might have improvised on stage .
19 The AS presumably indicates Andrew Stavanger , and the TMJ will be his secretary , or one of the typing staff And it reads sensibly enough — it is just the sort of letter that he might have been expected to write if he got back to his office late and were told that you had been trying to get in touch with him .
20 I was in the United States when the invasion of Iraq the invasion of Iraq into Iran , and I saw the whole situation with the aid of erm the United States mass media , so actually erm I had different ideas about erm what is the outcome and what is the results of the erm invasion was , and I took erm throughout the conflict I took an opposing view , because I always viewed the Iraquis as being aggressor and they inflicted damaged to a neighbouring country and erm they had erm no whatsoever rights to do anything like that and we see it again when erm they invaded Kuwait , they have no right at all erm they it is just the policy of the governing body of the Iraqui regime .
21 On many exchanges , it is just the seller of the option who puts up initial margin , with the buyer simply paying the option premium at the outset .
22 Although NT does include the remote procedure call — and it is just the RPC — found in the Open Software Foundation 's Distributed Computing Environment , DCE remains an embryonic technology .
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