Example sentences of "it is [adj] that in " in BNC.

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1 It is salutary that in their report on the dangers of long waiting times for outpatient appointments at a urology clinic K German and colleagues say that five of the seven cases of prostatic cancer were detected on rectal examination and one by a raised serum prostate specific antigen concentration .
2 For although Force Orders inevitably direct that such material will be submitted for assessment , it is typical that in a task-orientated institution which gives low priority or credence to the academic tome , the systems to ensure submission of the essays , or the ability to make much use of any useful ideas they contain , often remains sketchy .
3 It is probable that in retrospect he gave that factor more weight than it carried at the time .
4 It is probable that in most hypertriglyceridaemic insulin-dependent patients , the main defect is at the lipoprotein lipase level and hence there is a clearance defect .
5 It is probable that in very early times if his powers weakened a king would be ritually killed .
6 So it is worth making changes , but it is essential that in the process you do not make your everyday life a misery .
7 It is essential that in exercising the very important jurisdiction to grant judicial review , the court should not intervene just because the reasons given , if strictly construed , may disclose an error of law .
8 Although visiting grandparents was the basis of many significant memories and relationships , it is surprising that in the first set of interviews there are even more significant mentions of grandparents who at some point lived in the same house as their children .
9 It is surprising that in his time and ever since , his culpability has received so little attention .
10 It is surprising that in 1992 patients can still be treated with radical radiotherapy , chemotherapy , or surgery , including liver transplantation , without establishing a definitive diagnosis .
11 An RUC spokesman said : ‘ It is surprising that in many cases , people who have lost quite large sums do n't take the trouble to check with police to find out if their money has been handed in . ’
12 Whether or not in our time parents may be said to be justified by the sad statistics of the permissive society , it is certain that in the nineteenth century , parents had little option because of the sad statistics of mortality among children .
13 A survey of this type , whilst useful to illustrate the extent of the odour problem in England does not , however , give an accurate picture and may even underestimate the problem , as it is apparent that in many cases the public , for various reasons do not complain .
14 It is apparent that in SR the stress-energy tensor embodies a compact description of energy and momentum density .
15 From the comparison I have made above of features of her speech with those of JC and LE , it is apparent that in linguistic terms , she has hit her target some of the time , but not all of it .
16 It is curious that in modern times the Cabinet , though it has always insisted on considering particular proposals for developments of policy and their cost , has never thought it necessary to review the development of expenditure under the Civil Estimates as a whole .
17 It is curious that in modern works on insects , the different stages are often shown in different illustrations , in order to be clearer , to give less systematic hostages to fortune , and to use colour only where it is necessary .
18 Moreover , the effects of industrial action on members ' attendance exacerbated the situation , and it is arguable that in times of adversity such bodies need stronger leadership and clearer terms of reference than this panel ever enjoyed .
19 It is arguable that in the case of foreign source income he must also be resident in the United Kingdom before a charge can arise .
20 It is sad that in Britain we have lost most of our old heritage , but when I went to Ireland I was pleased to find that Yeats and others before him had rescued many of the stories and legends that had been in danger of being lost .
21 I think it is sad that in so many areas of life , we have allowed our society to be so fragmented .
22 It is amazing that in this age of guitar exotica , courtesy of PRS , Valley Arts and so on , most players can not help but become romantic and misty-eyed about an old Strat — even one that was made in Japan only a month or so ago .
23 IT is unbelievable that in 1970 , during our formative years , only 30 undergraduates were awarded the first general degree of the University , at a ceremony in Pathfoot .
24 It is noticeable that in other languages , in other societies , different terms are used and different distinctions are made .
25 It is noticeable that in all 3 cases presented in Table 8.2 , the share price declines as the required rate of return increases .
26 It is appalling that in 1991 the only way in which the Government want to save money is by cutting people 's pay and working conditions .
27 It is possible that in the past any Zuwayi would have felt free to continue personally the feud with Zliten if he could allege that the peace was unsatisfactory or incomplete .
28 It is possible that in some protein it would be an improvement to change one particular glycine to proline .
29 It is possible that in the Eastern District , the committee and officers were not fully aware of the implications of the Bedfordshire arrangement in their natural anxiety over the immediate issue of continuity of the rural scheme .
30 Exactly what happened between this date and 10 July is not known precisely and it is possible that in addition to the group of six already identified there were other DGSE agents involved .
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