Example sentences of "it is [adj] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is consistent with denying its authority and doing my best to overturn it , including inciting its subjects to revolt against it .
2 It is assignable in writing by the owner during his lifetime ; but in spite of any assignment or agreement made by the author , it will revert to his representatives twenty-five years after his death .
3 Nine times out of ten it is successful in provoking some ideas from the other person .
4 The company is looking for a 20% share of the 80486-compatible market by the end of 1994 if it is successful in lining up a partner .
5 The chances are that the same cycle will repeat even if it is successful in doing so ; success in innovative technology can not be guaranteed .
6 The chances are that the same cycle will repeat even if it is successful in doing so ; success in innovative technology can not be guaranteed .
7 The carbon then decays : and as C has a half life of 5570 years , it is suitable for dating organic remains .
8 It 's not a marvellous touring aircraft but it is suitable for trekking in a way that a Tomahawk or 152 is n't .
9 It is suitable for testing ceramics , composites , plastics , graphites , heat-resistant metals and alloys .
10 It is good for appraising divisions as each is treated as though it were independent and , provided the divisions are efficient , they should be able to make profits .
11 Lubrication may be provided by melting between mineral boundaries , but molten material must only form a small proportion of the asthenosphere since it is capable of transmitting S-waves .
12 There is urgent need to determine the limits of production … if we are to avoid the danger of trying to extract more from the land than it is capable of yielding .
13 The method is , however , applicable only if the investigator has extremely clear goals in mind , already well worked out in advance , and a major disadvantage is the very limited nature of the data which it is capable of yielding .
14 Another major advantage is the insight it is capable of yielding into the social and communicative norms of the community .
15 It is an advantage of the analysis offered in the last chapter that it is capable of accounting for authority over a group on the basis of authority relations between individuals .
16 It is difficult to imagine the mosaicist working without this tool , for it is capable of fracturing the hardest stones , it is easy to carry , and it can be used with very small pieces of material .
17 Mortal means both that the snake is mortal , will have a life and then die , and also that it is capable of dealing a mortal blow , of killing .
18 The people who designed the drill say it is capable of drilling for oil in almost any direction , and will penetrate deposits that today 's drills can not reach .
19 The multiprocessing version of IBM Corp 's OS/2 demonstrated at Comdex will be going into beta test sites this summer : theoretically it is capable of supporting up to 16 processors , but the company humms and hahs about how many are practicable ; the kernel itself is locked so that it runs on a single processor , but this will change in the forthcoming versions using Workplace OS , says IBM 's Ms Dimfel .
20 The multiprocessing version of IBM Corp 's OS/2 demonstrated at Comdex will be going into beta test sites this summer : theoretically it is capable of supporting up to 16 processors , but the company humms and hahs about how many are practicable ; the kernel itself is locked so that it runs on a single processor , but this will change in the forthcoming versions using Workplace OS , says IBM 's Ms Dimfel .
21 Once a replicator has come into existence it is capable of generating an indefinitely large set of copies of itself .
22 What distinguishes W. from them , and what with all respect I do not think that Thorpe J. took sufficiently into account ( perhaps because the point did not emerge as clearly before him as it did before us ) , is that it is a feature of anorexia nervosa that it is capable of destroying the ability to make an informed choice .
23 At the hearing before us it was conceded , in answer to a question put by the court , that it is a feature of anorexia nervosa that it is capable of destroying the ability to make an informed choice .
24 It is capable of defecting , but it does so only in retaliation .
25 Although not all words containing these sounds manifest the ( usually somewhat indeterminate ) meaning , it is capable of transferring to new coinages .
26 A ruling class enjoys hegemony if it is capable of exercising moral and political leadership , thereby achieving the consent of the masses .
27 Because it enjoys this authority it is capable of affecting the fortunes of people beyond the scope of its authority in the two ways mentioned above .
28 On the contrary , since the enterprise is an organization with a complex internal structure and of necessity relatively autonomous from political control , it is capable of developing its own internal interests and agenda ( cf. Levy 1987 ) .
29 It is capable of displaying photo-realistic 24-bit colour images at a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels , and high resolution , flicker-free displays at up to 1280 x 1024 screen resolution .
30 For instance , we can picture the meaning of a word as a pattern of affinities and disaffinities with all the other words in the language with which it is capable of contrasting semantic relations in grammatical contexts .
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