Example sentences of "it is [verb] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 On the westward side of Heart o' Corrie a path is traced winding up the hill ; it is reached by fording the burn that flows through the glen .
2 As expected formation of the low mobility complex was inhibited by the addition of antibody to Oct-1 confirming that it contains Oct-1 whereas the antibody had no effect on the formation of the high mobility complex indicating that it is formed by binding of a cervical protein distinct from Oct-1 ( Figure 3 ) .
3 It is formed by crossing two stitches over two .
4 Occasionally , this problem is genetic but more often it is caused by using too heavy creams around the eye area or not removing cleansing cream properly .
5 It is prepared by dissolving 33 g of sodium hexametaphosphate and 7 g of sodium carbonate in distilled water to give one litre of solution .
6 ‘ The constitutional function performed by courts of justice as interpreters of the written law laid down in Acts of Parliament is often described as ascertaining ‘ the intention of Parliament ; ’ but what this metaphor , though convenient , omits to take into account is that the court , when acting in its interpretative role , as well as when it is engaged in reviewing the legality of administrative action , is doing so as mediator between the state in the exercise of its legislative power and the private citizen for whom the law made by Parliament constitutes a rule binding upon him and enforceable by the executive power of the state .
7 ADRUG widely fed to British pigs , and often found in pork in shops , faces a ban by American health authorities because it is suspected of causing cancer .
8 North Korea has secretly produced more plutonium ( from which nuclear weapons can be made ) than it has owned up to ; it is suspected of building a bomb , despite its NPT promise not to do so .
9 Although arguments continue to rage over the effects of nitrogen on health , once digested through food or water it is suspected of having links with blue baby syndrome by reducing the oxygen -carrying capacity of the blood , and cancers of the stomach and oesophagus .
10 Penal reformers estimate the package will add about 4,000 to an average daily prison population of 48,500 unless it is balanced by compensating changes in sentencing policy by judges and magistrates .
11 It is obtained by inverting the equation for a line ; if Y = a + bX , then a = Y - bX .
12 The injustice is that the donkey is beaten until it collapses and then it is beaten for collapsing .
13 It is recognised in planning circles that planning applications for fish and chip shops are contentious and it has been said that whilst ‘ Joe Public wants hot food shops he does not want them near him and he is prepared to fight tooth and nail to stop anyone opening one near his house ’ .
14 If it is prevented from penetrating , the glue will adhere only to the damaged edges of the tubes which will break away as soon as a load comes on .
15 He also needs to cap the new price so that it is prevented from rising further over the remaining four years of construction if he is to convince bankers that they should continue to support Eurotunnel .
16 The form of that life and the machinery by which it is prevented from supplanting the political power accepted by the populace , can be settled without strife only when the basis of the religion has been firmly established by men and women using that glorious power of reason which is life 's greatest gift .
17 The Department of Health has cultivated the myth for some years that section 118 of the Medicines Act is the only reason why it is prevented from explaining the decisions of the licensing authority in general or the recommendations of the Committee on Safety of Medicines , based on doctors ' reports of adverse reactions , in particular .
18 Once the position of the mean is defined the spread of the distribution about it is calculated by summing the moments of each class interval about the mean .
19 If it is to succeed in partnering Jaguar , then it is important for GM to be seen as a ‘ good citizen ’ of the UK .
20 Finally , even if a government was prepared to use positive discrimination measures more vigorously and adopt a policy of staff direction in employment , it will need to make private provision illegal if it is to succeed in equalising the geographical distribution of services .
21 That 's my understanding but it is based on shuffling t right .
22 It is based on encoding multimedia information on the reflective surface of a silvered 12-inch disc .
23 The evaluation presented in this section is an interim one because it is based upon viewing the matrix from a rational economic perspective .
24 Creating your own designs on the screen does not actually involve any drawing because it is done by plotting a series of points or co-ordinates , which the computer automatically joins up to form a two dimensional shape it is a bit like joining the dots in a dot to dot picture , except that you have to decide where the dots will go and the computer does the joining up !
25 This means that calculation of the slope is straightforward , according to the formula in section 10.4 : it is given by finding out how much Y changes for a unit change in X , namely We can now make a fairly precise summary statement : on average , 19 more people per 1000 are chronically ill for each death ; ( mortality was measured per 10,000 , while illness only per 1000 ) .
26 Parish calls it ‘ a love story that just goes through a few crazy things ’ , but he 's under selling it ; Time Warner so liked the film it is thinking of turning it into a TV series with Parrish in the starring role .
27 a ‘ prohibition notice ’ can be issued to prevent the trader upon whom it is served from supplying any specified type of goods which the Secretary of State considers unsafe :
28 The referential , truth-functional nature of language is not in abeyance in fiction : rather it is exploited in referring to , and thereby creating , a fictional universe , a mock-reality .
29 Climbing is second nature to all small felines and it is virtually impossible for a cat to switch off its urge to climb , even if it is punished for doing so .
30 Check it is cooked by pushing a skewer into the centre near the bone : the juices that ooze out should be pale pink for rare meat , or clear and golden for medium to well done .
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