Example sentences of "it give i the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm quite an independent person , but I was quite insecure , I needed someone to say this is good , this is bad , and because he was doing that it gave me the determination I needed .
2 The tea tasted horrible but at least it gave me the chance to have a little think .
3 ‘ When I got the sack , then it gave me the chance to paint really hard .
4 ‘ You came to in the middle of it , unfortunately for you , but it gave me the opportunity to make a superficial examination . ’
5 Ach , Jessica , it gave me the excuse !
6 Especially if it gave me the credibility to help a friend in need .
7 ‘ To tell you the truth , it gave me the creeps .
8 Their reaction was so encouraging that it gave me the strength to carry on .
9 It gave me the encouragement I needed to carry on trying .
10 It gave me the impression of having worked for something and , once defeated , I could take my comfort in the cool blandness of the back room .
11 ‘ This place , it gives me the creeps .
12 It gives me the creeps and I know it frightened the kiddies .
13 It gives me the creeps , that 's all .
14 The mere thought of it gives me the horrors , ’ Silas admitted .
15 I would n't go in there , It gives me the shakes .
16 it gives me the idea that it 's not . .
17 It gives me the opportunity to see God in young people and watch them develop in their faith in the short time that they are here .
18 For one thing it gives me the opportunity to write to you , and also I must have time to draw breath and come to terms with this astounding piece of good fortune that has befallen me .
19 It gives me the opportunity to explain in proper terms why the Government took that step and to give the lie to many of the hon. Gentleman 's arguments .
20 It gives me the opportunity not only of placing on the official record the Committee 's thanks to its staff for their work , not only of drawing to the attention of the House what I think is the first debate on community care to be initiated in the Chamber which is not part of a debate on another measure , but also of drawing attention to the number of firsts that we score with this report and debate .
21 Thank you Chairman , erm I 'm delighted to be the last person to present a set of budget proposals as it gives me the opportunity to draw attention to some facts that seems to have been overlooked by the representatives of the other two groups .
22 It gives me the willies to even think about the rent , ’ Dustin averred .
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