Example sentences of "it up [conj] [v-ing] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Any reasonably well-known professional scientist will receive from time to time letters written by bell-meaning people who indicate , usually in rather guarded terms , that they have in their possession the solution to the riddle of the universe and they just need a little help in polishing it up or propagating it .
2 He said the Tories were destroying the national character of the health service and were intent on breaking it up and replacing it with an American-style system that owed more to accountants than doctors .
3 He said the Tories were destroying the national character of the health service and were intent on breaking it up and replacing it with an American-style system that owed more to accountants than doctors .
4 Although I keep pulling it up and throwing it in the dustbin , it keeps coming back .
5 Yeah I know it 's well again , you know , kind of once you can see , once you can see what 's wrong with it rather than just sort of , you know , screwing it up and throwing it away , you know kind of if you can use that as a basis for , for , you know , kind of putting more of the stuff in that makes it look a bit more academic
6 you want to see me , I get up three times to rake ashes er out and then I go int the kitchen in that cupboard , gerra newspaper and I 'm here screwing it up and throwing it on fireplace .
7 And after several attempts to break the shell open by picking it up and dropping it onto the rocks , well that did n't work , so the bird picked it up and then from a about a height of twenty feet it dropped it onto the rocks below .
9 Yeah , this guy comes home from work and his wife 's got the chair and she 's picking it up and taking it around like this
10 ‘ We might find ways of tripping it up and destroying it , ’ he said .
11 Ten-year-old Luke Johnson dug it up and thinking it was ‘ dead ’ , planned to take it home as an ornament .
12 Cos I remember , I remember picking it up and reading it , I was out in the garden at the time .
13 ‘ This is for you , ’ he said , picking it up and offering it to her .
14 The congregation were like different parts of a huge engine , each one passing a movement on and the recipient taking it up and changing it .
15 The upper and working classes , being less verbal , less given to talk of shoulds and oughts between the sheets , have less trouble , if you 'll forgive me , simply getting it up and putting it in , to the relief and satisfaction of everyone concerned .
16 You should n't be lifting it up and putting it at back of your head !
17 right , two things first of all I mean I think this is the first one and once Napier get it up and running I think it 's exportable
18 Here , bacteria get to work on it , softening it up and making it ready for chewing .
19 Corbett pushed the meat through and watched the leading dog seize it in his huge jaws , throwing it up and devouring it , the blood streaming down his black , slavering mouth .
20 She slipped it from his shoulders , folding it up and placing it carefully on the chair .
21 She was toying with the sand , scooping it up and letting it trail through her fingers , and she did n't see the expression in his eyes when he next spoke .
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