Example sentences of "it would [adv] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 If the Life is later than that and if it belongs to the 730s or even 740s , however , it would again demonstrate that the relationship between a dependant or sub-king and his overlord was not inevitably confrontational but on occasion at least perfectly acceptable to both sides for as long , presumably , as it remained of mutual benefit .
2 No sociological research is likely to produce absolutely clear cut answers ; if it were to come out with all the results 100 per cent in support of some hypothesis it would rather suggest that the hypothesis was hardly worth bothering about in the first place .
3 For it would effectively mean that Britain had gone bust .
4 It would also mean that the Nullity of Marriages Act , section 2(c) , must be interpreted so that this type of fraud comes within its terms .
5 It would also mean that any changes to the system at this stage could be rectified without high costs being incurred .
6 It would also mean that Scottish programme makers would have to bid for resources to London , where priorities might well be different from their own .
7 It would also ensure that we were much more financially secure .
8 It would also appear that many of the people who abuse the code of these shelters are not members of the MBA , so contribute nothing to their maintenance .
9 It would also appear that in some areas the rougher element ganged up against Boy Scout troops in the early years of the movement , throwing stones at them and mocking their uniform of floppy hats and silly short pants .
10 It would also appear that the traditional British fleet had not previously fished for those stocks and was at that time still unable to exploit them fully .
11 It would also appear that the rule applies to realty and could be applied to the builder of a house and possibly a local authority building inspector .
12 It would also appear that any consequential economic loss may be recovered .
13 It would also seem that the time before adoption for such children is quite long , that some for whom adoption was the plan will not be adopted even though they will stay with their new families , and that long-term support by specialist workers will be necessary for many of these children .
14 It would also seem that some proteins are free to move laterally within the membrane .
15 If , of course , the identification of the scholar in Amasya by Husameddin is correct , and the facts about him accurate , it would also follow that Cemaleddin Aksarayi lived beyond 783/1381 .
16 There is no doubt that there is an implied restraint as between Y and X and between X and Z and it would equally seem that the benefit of the implied covenant between Y and X would pass to Z upon the sale of goodwill .
17 It would n't show that the verb phrase was n't a constituent .
18 But from the look of his clothes it would n't seem that he 'd been jostled about much by the tide .
19 The committee says that it would strongly prefer that the integrated management of river basins remains with the NRA .
20 For all sensible people it would clearly suggest that more thought should be given to the fibre content not only of their own diets , but of those of their children .
21 It would not matter that the consequence of so holding might be that the defendants , if they should lose the action , would satisfy the European Court of Human Rights that any verdict against them would constitute a breach of article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms .
22 It would not matter that the resident were a foreign national or a foreign company , so long as they were resident , were located in the UK and the transaction were in sterling , it would constitute domestic banking .
23 It would not mean that animals should be treated equally with people , they do not have the same interests as people .
24 Even if we do discover a complete unified theory , it would not mean that we would be able to predict events in general , for two reasons .
25 It would not mean that the trust itself had to make payments to savers .
26 It would not appear that the debtor need be informed of the application nor be given the opportunity to attend the hearing of the application .
27 So even if AI were incapable of modelling actual thought-processes , it would not follow that nothing of theoretical interest could have been learned from it .
28 A second difficulty with this most obvious method of testing is that , even if a preponderance of Protestants were to emerge , it would not follow that it was their religious convictions that supplied the motivation for their science .
29 It would not follow that the recent decline in unemployment rates in England and Wales would lead to reductions in the numbers imprisoned after taking crime rates into account .
30 It would thus appear that low usage was not problematic and that rather than seeking to make improvements , user instruction was the best alternative .
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