Example sentences of "it have never [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Given that it has never heard of Snell 's law , does it have to go through some alternative process of computation to adjust its angle-of-dive appropriately — and if so , what ?
2 On 5 June , Gavin Laird of the Amalgamated Engineering Union rightly said on ’ Channel 4 News ’ : ’ It has never worked in the past ; there is no logic for it ; it does not work in any other country and it certainly will not work in Great Britain . ’
3 Over two years of use , for more than 4,000 tests , it has never strayed beyond the permitted margin of error .
4 Although on occasions I have criticised the ICAEW 's examination system , it has never sunk to the levels of the Institute of Taxation .
5 They also agreed that the Scandinavian army would be given tribute , and it at last occupied London , thus gaining in peace what it had never gained in war .
6 It had never counted for anything that she 'd been the innocent victim , that she 'd had no control over the events which had shaped her life — she 'd carried the burden with her , locked into her soul , and at least that way she 'd felt relatively safe .
7 She 'd liked men — of course she had — but for some reason or another it had never deepened into anything else .
8 He was mystified by this phenomenon ; it had never happened to him before , so he took it as a kind of omen .
9 It had never happened to him in his life before .
10 Except that , ironically , it had never happened to him then .
11 It had never happened to him before .
12 It had never happened to her — in fact , quite the contrary , she revelled in the build-up to her own entrance , loving the rush of adrenalin that came every time she heard her own music .
13 What little remained of it had never rejoiced in the calm self-assurance of the French , who had equated their race with civilization .
14 So far as is known it had never been loaned for exhibition , it had never passed through an auction room and those few who had been fortunate enough to see it had done so at the private house in Oxford where it had been in the possession of the same family for many years .
15 Loved by Fenna and by Rachel it had never occurred to her to consider herself unlovable , but now she needed a counter-weight in the real world , and her mother would never be that for her .
16 He rolled his eyes and tugged at his collar and blew on his finger-nails ; and then Erika felt a sensation she had never known before ; one that in all her life of order , regimentation , structures , and of love and caring , too , it had never occurred to her that she might have .
17 It had never occurred to Joni that on the cross Jesus was unable to move , virtually paralysed .
18 It had never occurred to her that Christopher had been thinking of these things too .
19 Having made sure from Miss Miggs that she would n't mind if the mistletoe in her apple-tree were sold , especially as it had never occurred to her that she could sell it , three excited Brownies hurried away from Sundial Cottage and did n't pause until they reached Anne 's father 's greengrocery shop .
20 In my analysis of the social and intellectual divisions at the party , it had never occurred to me to question where I stood myself .
21 She had suspected as much , though it had never occurred to her that Greg 's death had been anything but an accident .
22 ‘ Yes , ’ I said , for it had never occurred to me not to .
23 It had never occurred to me that so many people would be interested in me and Dawn .
24 It had never occurred to her to get any sort of job .
25 Tina might have told her mother this , during one of their evenings of confidences , but it had never occurred to her , she being neither proud nor ashamed of it , nor even thinking it very out of the ordinary .
26 It had never occurred to me .
27 Once her mother , talking of Christmas , had said that as a child she had herself received no presents , as it had never occurred to anyone to buy such things — but that one year her elder brother , thinking to tease her , had hung at the end of her bed a stocking , and that when , excited , she had sprung to open it , she found it contained ashes from last night 's grate .
28 And help was forthcoming , for there was a whole row of somehow familiar books , and the name on the back , she could just decipher it , was Candida something , why yes , of course , Candida Gray , she saw it with a flash of inspiration , for it had never occurred to her to look for a surname other than the one that she already knew .
29 Liking Julia as he did , admiring her stringent intelligence , her honesty , the unexpected humility that would never let her give advice unless she was asked for it , and her unfailing reasonableness , it had never occurred to him that he might be falling in love with her .
30 Syl was more of my mother 's generation than my own but it had never occurred to me before that he and she and Lili must all have been young at the same time .
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