Example sentences of "it have been [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has been Bill Heseltine more than anyone else who brought the royal family into the age of the photo-opportunity .
2 ‘ Some of it has been Sunday League stuff — and that is with due respect to anyone in the Sunday League .
3 In recent years it has been Ian Rush who has been the scourge of Everton but this time he turned provider to send the Israeli international through a dumbfounded Everton defence .
4 Over the past ten years it has been government policy to encourage this ( DHSS , 1976a ) .
5 Of the domestic borrowers , local authorities issued , in the years between the mid-1950s and the early 1980s , a large volume of stocks ( over five years to maturity ) and negotiable bonds ( from one to four years to maturity ) ; but in recent years it has been government policy to centralise most public-sector borrowing and as a result public issues by local authorities have all but ceased .
6 It has been Ivy week , ’ wrote Elizabeth .
7 In Britain , it has been trade unions , rather than manufacturers , purchasers and governments , who have taken the initiative in discussing the ergonomic design and installation of VDUs .
8 He expected to act as sponsor to Chou En-lai in the unfamiliar field of international diplomacy , but it was actually Chou who took over centre stage ( as The Times pronounced , 25 April 1955 , ‘ It has been Mr Chou En-lai 's week ’ ) .
9 For six weeks it has been pitch black .
10 It has been market practice in asset-backed transactions for there to be a mechanism whereby transactions can be mopped up when the balance of performing assets falls below a given level , usually 10% of initial principal .
11 So the first opportunity I had I left Bradley 's and went back to the Lock so it 'd been war direction , war service we asked and it counted as me service with the Lock , that I had n't interrupted me service being as I was directed so that 's how I say I had fifty years at the Lock .
12 Could it have been Karl Gesner ?
13 It had been midday Monday before she mentioned , in conversation with one of her regular customers , that MacQuillan had been to the Black Friar .
14 But it had been Mrs McBride who had started as she meant to go on .
15 It had been Exchange policy to allow only partnerships to come into membership , but in 1982 a a new rule was introduced which permitted members to become limited companies and to have an outside share ownership of up to 29.9% .
16 If it had been Rime Giants following us we would have had a more difficult time of it ; they enjoy such conditions .
17 Whereas if it had been standing room , we really would have been standing .
18 ‘ I 'd have been more excited if it had been Shirley Bassey , ’ Miss Horrocks , 28 , tells me .
19 It had been Fei Yen 's idea to have a midnight picnic and Tsu Ma had been delighted when the two girls had come to them with blankets and a basket , interrupting their talk .
20 McGee had summoned the Dean , but it had been Lord Cumbermound who had led the party down the back stairs .
21 In fact , it had been Dr Kemp who had written a reference for her when she 'd changed jobs .
22 It had been Dr Rolleston 's great sorrow that he had not been able to help children who had come in with the dreaded Infantile Paralysis , not that any other professor in Europe had been able to do better than by careful nursing stop the paralysis spreading .
23 I asked a mystified Robins , who explained with a laugh that it had been Colonel Fawcett 's idea .
24 I wish it had been Carole Lombard
25 It had been Bruce Davidson who had interviewed Yeo before , when Angela Morgan had still been officially only a Missing Person and Peter Yeo , as her employer , one of the obvious people to talk to about where she might be .
26 It had been Campion Price , her father , who , disappointed that his firstborn had not been the male he 'd intended naming after his own father , had insisted she bore the feminine version of that name — Georgina .
27 Funny how it had been malai policy to murder him and , earlier , the young men in the television crew , and now it was policy to stand them , or their kind , a round at the bar .
28 My sleep/wake clock had bust a spring and I was worried about the fact that it had been Billy Tuckett who had dropped through the skylight .
29 Try to imagine , if you will , the ferocity of the reaction in the West if it had been Saddam Hussein who had poured napalm down on Kurdish villages three weeks ago !
30 It had been headline news in the press for almost two weeks and had produced a paid television programme to put its point of view across .
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