Example sentences of "it have [vb pp] this [adj] " in BNC.

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1 People have known for some time what has been going on , and I 'm surprised it has taken this long to come out into the open .
2 A typical Peto story tells how when dispatched by The Observer to photograph a major rail disaster , he came back with a picture of an exhausted rescue worker drinking tea , man 's ability to fight disaster and overcome it having inspired this warm-hearted humanist photographer .
3 Wrong ‘ I know they go to great lengths to avoid paying up , but I did n't realise it had got this bad . ’
4 Europe felt it had contained this communist menace within itself .
5 But he says it 's got this wee arrow here 's got to be in the middle of this dial , you know .
6 The Council is obviously terribly happy that it 's got this new service running from nine a.m .
7 Only it 's got this separate bit for trolley loading it 's got written on it .
8 It 's got this great high roof and loads of trains .
9 It 's pretty scruffy and it 's got this funny smell — sort of dusty like .
10 But it 's got this funny thing in , a negative index , so what value is , what 's the value of two to the minus two ?
11 Yeah , no no no you go off Deptford High Street it 's got this big sign says do not enter flashing lights you go down this alleyway and there 's this like tramp just sort of spit in your face going urgh off with you you laddie , right ?
12 It 's pretty big , even with my jumper underneath , but it 's got this lovely silky lining and it feels really comfy .
13 I mean the lovely golden light on the the grass very late afternoon light I would suggest and it 's got this lovely warm colour on the grass .
14 on the , near the printer there 's a screen near the table or something , it 's got this little orange thing that keeps doing this
15 must be when I looked at it they 'd been grown in the field , because it 's burnt , you can see it 's got this reddish muck where all the mud down
16 It 's got this incredible fruity taste , rather like blackcurrant .
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