Example sentences of "it have [adv] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 It should finally be noted that it has also emerged that reliance on markets as a disciplinary device , and in particular on the market for control , is itself far from costless .
2 It has also shown that more was spent on services in Newham than in Ipswich ( partly because Newham clients had more services and partly because services were more expensive ) .
3 It has already ruled that race should play no part in jury selection .
4 It has consistently regarded that duty as covering not only cases where there is affirmative reason to support that the appellant is innocent , but also cases of quite another description .
5 It had just happened that way .
6 Although the Critique had been intended to rescue Marxism from the sclerosis of Stalinism , Sartre found that his theory of history , far from explaining what had gone wrong when the most radical political theory turned out in practice to be one of the most oppressive , had rather shown why it had necessarily happened that way .
7 It had only sounded that way to his western ears — because the words had been Chinese !
8 I think some of them do , yes , I know s er some of them have said how much they enjoyed it when it started off first , but er but now it 's just got that wee bit more serious .
9 yeah it looks a real treat it does and it 's just taken that Cuprinol nicely but mind you I did n't put it up too thick I well it 's had two coats so it does , it looks a treat so er I 'm a I 'm very pleased with it anyway and er the woman there , Rita
10 it 's never had that before , I 'm just trying to work out where it 's come from .
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