Example sentences of "it be time [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 1 ) Under the theme ‘ It 's time to right wrongs ’ we hope to ‘ unpack ’ the ‘ Statement of Commitment ’ , to help the local organisers attending the conference to get a more up-to-date and accurate picture of the role Christian Aid seeks to fulfil .
2 We are using as our theme the CAW theme ‘ It 's time to right wrongs ’ , which provides an opportunity to ‘ unpack ’ the Statement of Commitment ‘ To Strengthen the Poor ’ .
3 You 've always been a bit of a soft touch , but now it 's time to wise up and tell those around you that enough is enough .
4 Back in the office and it 's time for constructive criticism .
5 Now that we have a better understanding of the flight envelope it is time to explored Take the kite straight up , pull to make a 180-degree turn and you 've turned the kite nose-down into vertical dive .
6 Presidential support scores are so inadequate and so subject to misinterpretation by students and others ( including presidents ! ) that it is time for Congressional Quarterly to consider abandoning them .
7 Meanwhile the cancer grows and it is time for serious surgery .
8 It is time for certain philosophers to come and take a hard look at the data which we have collected before they dismiss our models and our philosophical assumptions so glibly .
9 It is time for direct action , test and observation and I will give two examples which promise a rational future .
10 This is no time for delicacy and posing , it is time for strong-arm stuff which would bring looks of admiration from a shark angler and cause a tiddler snatcher to cringe in fear .
11 The Prime Minister has said it is time for profound look at the future of Europe following the narrow , ’ Yes ’ vote in the French referendum on the Maastricht Treaty and the current sterling crisis .
12 FOLLOWING the massive increase in the popularity of rugby union as a result of the World Cup , and the demands that our top players now endure , surely it is time for British rugby union to go professional .
13 Then it was time for practical advice .
14 Dr Hendron said it was time for political talks to be re-activated .
15 I shivered and wondered if it was time for old Shallot to disappear or go ill with ague , but I remembered my promise .
16 It was time for Jotan to learn .
17 It was time for direct , positive action .
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