Example sentences of "it be not one that " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday 's loss hit her hard and one friend said : ‘ It 's not one that a good night 's sleep will make her forget .
2 For all the questions and doubts the book raises , it 's not one that I 'd want to damn out of court or do without .
3 And er , it 's not one that 's er that 's currently practised , but it 's not all that long ago , in in folk memory that that that women in their particularly women who had practices and rituals were seen as witches .
4 It 's not one that we 've met so far so it 's a completely new one .
5 It 's not a duly-made objection , it 's not one that he has any right to raise at this late stage .
6 it 's not one that will inspire me with erm with , with great kind of nationalistic fervour as might have happened in the past when , when you look at nationalistic movements , so erm presumably we 're looking at a range of behaviour which goes from extreme fanatical group membership to relatively weak identification with a group but really does n't to anything else but saying you know if you ask me what I 'll say I was British .
7 An anxiety appears to be a permanent fixture in human mental life , it 's not one that you can , you can live without .
8 So it 's not one that really , really is a long-term solution .
9 Oh I do n't dislike them but it 's not one that
10 But it is not one that voters seem much interested in .
11 But while it is potentially a big market , it is not one that will arrive tomorrow .
12 If this seems an abstruse form of cultivation it is not one that is limited to modern agriculture , but can be found in many suburban gardens where , acre for acre , the concentrations of both fertilizer and pesticide are higher than on the average arable farm .
13 Unfortunately , although this is clearly an important and interesting exhibition it is not one that we would wish to accommodate here , essentially because — practicalities aside — we are not a general art exhibition venue , and as a matter of policy only mount displays which relate to our collections or , more broadly , to the world of books .
14 This process seems to have been handled badly , even if it is not one that lends itself to sensitive treatment .
15 If the development of an energy policy was a test of presidential leadership , it was not one that Jimmy Carter passed with distinction .
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