Example sentences of "it be the way [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's the way of the world , ’ she said with a wry smile .
2 It 's the way of all flesh .
3 It 's the way of the world .
4 As though reading my thoughts , Reid added , wiping his sweating head , ‘ It 's the way of life I like , nothing more , ye ken ?
5 It is the way of my people to use light words at such times ’ , says Merry apologetically , but just the same he can not stop .
6 That is the way of Camp 3 , it is the way of all camps in the Dubrovlag .
7 It is the way of the camp .
8 Or , as he put it slightly differently on another occasion , ‘ religion ’ is ‘ the system of symbols by means of which society becomes conscious of itself ; it is the way of thinking characteristic of collective existence ’ .
9 It is the way of Mankind .
10 The way is one in Christ who is the way , it is the way of love — the love of Christ , but Christ is lived in each person according to the construction of that personality and the love works through the individual 's free will .
11 These ‘ ideas , formed the basis for group action and it is the way in which these spontaneously evolve and are carried out that constitutes one of the most active elements of ‘ hanging about ’ …
12 It is the way in which Truth or God impinges on or finds expression in the lives of people and as far as Gandhi is concerned it is through the beliefs and traditions of the Hindu way of life that lie finds himself indissolubly bound to Truth .
13 It is the way in which ahi sā is implemented or put in action ; it is the technique of non-violence .
14 It is the way in which the public is presented with the facts , rather than the facts themselves , which almost guarantees panic and resistance to the proposal to look for extra resources .
15 But it is the way in which it is exercised which is the key .
16 However , it is not just the fact that professional education involves value-education which tends to make it conservative ; it is the way in which values and attitudes are learned .
17 That is the right way to help people , it is the right way to achieve long-term prosperity for this country and it is the way in which we have been developing our policies .
18 After all , the median voter rule suggests that it is the way in which the middle two voters in the income distribution vote that determines the outcome of a rich or poor majority .
19 All this may seem a little behind the times to the modern generation and to feminists , but I recognize that it was the way of my mother 's and father 's world .
20 It was the way of things , always easier to get into a police station to answer questions than to get out again .
21 It was the way in which repentance and forgiveness of sins could be offered to all people ( Luke 24:47 ) .
22 He was black and it was conveyed to him in a most unambiguous way that this would mean pressure for him , but it was the way in which he responded that challenged conventional images of black kids .
23 Warner Bros had once again profitably combined instruction and entertainment but as was so often the case it was the way in which they had used an actor that made the movie work in both respects .
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