Example sentences of "it be [vb pp] through the " in BNC.

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1 Place the cone or ball on the floor beside you and hold the yarn above the carriage , in the position it would be in if it were threaded through the yarn mast .
2 A horse that is empathic with another knows how the other feels without it being told through the usual senses of sight , hearing , touch , and smell .
3 The Amateur Athletic Association have clung to their name despite condoning the principle that athletes be paid — often very large sums — provided it is done through the setting up of ‘ trust funds ’ .
4 But it is not only the speech , it is also the simplicity of the vocabulary , as it is seen through the eyes of Finn .
5 In contrast , the output of the two microphones is combined when it is fed through the audio mixer .
6 it is served through the authorities of the foreign country or through British consular authorities in accordance with Order 11 , rule 6 , which is examined in more detail below , or ( in the case of service on a foreign State itself ) under Order 11 , rule 7243 ;
7 It is channelled through the Research Councils which will allocate it on the basis of the projects submitted to them .
8 The negative , containing the latent image of the figure but otherwise unexposed , is not yet developed ; instead it is run through the printer again , this time bipacked with the male matte and the positive of the background , the White House The previously unexposed portion of the negative will now contain images of this background , while the previously exposed portion , protected by the matte , receives no more light and is unaffected by the second run .
9 But the only proven solution to green water is an ultra-violet unit fixed to treat the pond water before it is run through the filter media .
10 The detailed description should be updated to reflect the action taken to resolve the problem as it is processed through the Problem Management procedures .
11 The Socratic-critical spectator finds miracles on stage arbitrary or childish ; and , in fact , most of us in the modern world are incapable of feeling any myth as a credible reality unless it is mediated through the abstractions of scholarship : our own mythology has been all but destroyed .
12 From Hamsterley village , it is approached through the forest and finally a spectacular tree-lined avenue .
13 Burning straw was the best fun — it was poked through the grill at the front of the grate and , when it caught fire , smoke would stream out of the other end .
14 In the mid 1940s Battelle took an interest in developing the process further , and at a later date it was exploited through the Haloid Corporation after a research person had read about the technology in a journal .
15 It showed that subsection ( 2 ) of section 10 had been introduced as a government amendment and it was piloted through the committee stage by the then Minister of State for the Home Office , Mr Patrick Mayhew .
16 Watched using X-rays , it was pushed through the main artery and into the small opening of the coronary arteries at the top of the heart .
17 But I did use and re-invent the world of the Barracks I grew up in , yet the point is that I was in my 20s when I wrote that book and it was viewed through the persona of a dying woman .
18 Can I assume that it was cleared through the Cabinet Office ?
19 The ‘ nationality ’ factor in early Elvis signified rather differently for British adolescents in the mid-1950s ; it was mediated through the image presented by the ‘ American South ’ within their national tradition , and , more widely , through the rather different gender , generational and class structures obtaining in Britain .
20 Dionysiac wisdom was now promulgated openly , ( sometimes through its own mythology , although more often ) it was mediated through the Olympian mythology associated with Homeric epic .
21 It was allowed through the Bosnian Serb frontier checkpoint .
22 So we 've got the , I mean it was concertinaed through the bonnet .
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