Example sentences of "it be [vb pp] [prep] other " in BNC.

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1 How effective do you consider this means of presentation and how widely could it be applied to other discourse types ?
2 Fifty pounds a week could benefit the whole school , if it were put to other uses . ’
3 Yet , like the Christian cross , the sacral horns were used in a general symbolic way , and it may be that the Labyrinth was , as a whole , dedicated to Poteidan even though individual sanctuaries and shrines within it were dedicated to other deities , in much the same way that within a cathedral there may be chapels dedicated to a variety of Christian saints .
4 This is a very handy aspect of the program , since it brings in the prospect of it being used for other purposes .
5 This is n't a case of writers bleating because their own books wo n't be available ; we all spent hours in libraries learning our trade , the only way to learn to write is to how it 's done by other people be it well or badly
6 There are forms of care which are absent , certain kinds of intimacy , and friendship , no touching , for instance , but it 's compensated by other kinds of care which are possible and not risky .
7 Joyriding still happens here , but nothing like on the scale of last year , it 's concentrated on other estates .
8 It is differentiated from other ovine lungworms by its larger size and straight tail .
9 Originally , as someone interested in medical sociology and medical law , I wanted to see how medical evidence becomes translated into appropriate legal terms in child abuse cases , and how it is balanced against other evidence ( Cavenagh , 1975 ) .
10 In fact the chronicle succeeds in having its cake and eating it , all the way back to the stir caused by Nicholas Stavrogin 's arrival in ‘ our town ’ , when it is recorded among other things that he seemed to know a lot — ‘ But of course it did n't take much knowledge to astonish us ’ .
11 ( representations , concepts , facts ) which it is given by other practices , whether ‘ empirical ’ , ‘ technical ’ or ‘ ideological ’ .
12 The lightness of Courtney 's sentence is obvious when it is compared to other recent sentences .
13 It is compared with other bathyal species of Ophiura in Table 3 .
14 The disease may remain dormant and undetected until it is transmitted to other fish through abrasions to the skin .
15 The example cited by the hon. Gentleman from his constituency is well known to hon. Members because it is repeated in other constituencies .
16 The paradox about all this information explosion or whatever it is called is that the speed of its distribution is so high and the actual receiving of it by a human being is so necessarily slow and far more inefficient than it is achieved by other methods , such as reading printed marks on paper .
17 It is replicated at other centres and units in district general hospitals providing neurological services throughout Britain .
18 But no parish is a closed community — it is bounded by other communities ( and sometimes by the sea ) and all these have helped to shape its boundaries , layout , population and activities .
19 But once the land is thus rough-hewn it is shaped by other forces .
20 How a person perceives changes may be affected by how it is perceived by other members of the family and society .
21 The sphere of everyday life is experienced as ordered and consistent which is because it is shared with other people and what is shared is , precisely , knowledge of everyday reality :
22 Easy to dye , it is used with other fabrics such as Cordura for lightweight and fashion boots .
23 ‘ poeticity ’ , he says , is like oil in cooking ; you can not have it on its own but when it is used with other food it is more than a mere addition .
24 The morpheme which is glossed as " father " may have extended meanings when it is used in other contexts , but its real meaning is " father " in its ordinary English sense of " male parent " .
25 The difference between a good thinker and an average thinker is often the difference in ability to extract something significant from where it is buried amongst other matters .
26 In the towns , the main struggle for the economic model comes to an end with the victory of the proletariat ; in the country … it is resurrected in other forms as a struggle between the state planning of a proletariat which embodies socialised labour and the commodity anarchy , the speculative licence of a peasantry which embodies scattered property and the anarchic element of the market … a simple commodity economy is merely the embryo of a capitalist economy …
27 The habit is best known in tits , particularly great tits ( Parus major ) and blue tits ( P. caeruleus ) ; but it is found in other species too .
28 It is known from other work that economic and political attitudes and actions are channelled by the individual 's requirement for personal esteem and social approval .
29 Accordingly when Bilbo and Frodo say they will pursue it , eagerly or wearily , till it is intersected by other roads , lives , wishes , and will then continue into the unknown , if they can , they are expressing a mixture of doubt and determination — exactly the qualities Gandalf so often recommends .
30 Discrimination against women is still , of course , to be found in law , and it is codified in other institutional practices determining sex-differentiated rights and opportunities ; but a more fundamental source of discrimination lies in the realm of social attitudes and beliefs .
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