Example sentences of "it be the [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Treasure and the maps to locate it are the stuff we dream of , whether the treasure be a golden Celtic torque or a Roman pottery shard is not as important , perhaps , as the quest and excitement of making the find .
2 Brutal it were the way he knocked the other feller about . ’
3 I were thinking , oh it were the day you came up with them and then you went off to , er
4 Well it , it were the variety you got at .
5 So erm the funeral , with it being the weekend it wo n't be till next , next week the funeral .
6 ‘ Ah , you 're right , ’ Joe Burns nodded ‘ It 's the daughter she had … the one that married that English fella .
7 It 's the hold he 's got on me that 's the trouble .
8 It is n't really you who 's feeling this way , it 's the girl you used to be who 's been somehow resurrected — brought back to life by all the memories that surround you .
9 Yes , either that , or it 's the work I 've been doing .
10 it 's the style you want
11 It 's the evidence he gives on oath what matters .
12 It 's the policeman you know
13 ‘ We begin around 12 telling them what a baby is , why it 's the sex it is and how it comes about .
14 ‘ But what if it 's the document they 're after , Charlie ?
15 Now as promised it 's time to zig zag to the onion bag … what is this man talking about … it 's football speak from Cambridge manager John Beck whose team play Swindon tomorrow … it 's the order he gives to his strikers before a game … zig zag … well that means running … weaving with the ball … the onion bag is the goal net of course … so here we go with this week 's football roundup
16 It 's the way we live in 1990 , I remember you saying .
17 It 's the way we have to be if we 're to survive .
18 to your Council did I knock on the door and say standing for the Liberal Democrats , they said well we 're not sure it 's the way we are going to vote for you , we may vote for somebody else .
19 That was the way we became his followers , the way we got saved , it 's the way we continue , it 's the way and it 's the only re the only method by which we will ever stand before him and he will usher us into his presence to stand eternity with him , through his grace and as we see others , not in a sense of condemnation , not in a sense of self righteousness or pointing the finger , as we see others we can say with that man of old who , as he watched the , the man being dragged , to the , to the gallows , there but for the grace of God , goes I , goes me and there but for God 's grace , think of that most , that worse condition that you know , think of that person who has messed their life up more than any body else and er , who has made a total wreck of it , there but for the grace of God is you and there 's me , oh thank God for his grace .
20 It 's the way we got our house .
21 One of the nice aspects of a task such as that is that I think we , as professional physicists — and I 'm a physicist too erm we , as professional physicists , feel there 's a right way of doing something because it 's the way we learnt and we 've got used to , and we tend to instil this idea into other people .
22 If Bleach have a problem , it 's the way they under-sell themselves so often .
23 It 's the way they play ’ , said Tayler , Rosslyn Park 's captain next season .
24 The West Indian families have different values — they still put a lot of faith in education , but it 's the way they bring this home to the kids that causes the problems .
25 Oh I , I said that to you at the time Robert , I mean I 'll be honest and I saw that document and I nearly died and it 's the way they say it too
26 It 's the way they do n't want us to go .
27 It 's the way they treat you .
28 It 's the way they 're gathered in at the top , Sergeant . ’
29 That person is that person it 's the way they are .
30 It 's the way they perform that counts . ’
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