Example sentences of "it be [adv] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 It 's not they have not yet been developed to be wholly reliable , and there are problems to be solved to do with the fluctuation in the wind power , but I think perhaps some of those are exaggerated .
2 You have to be sure the bird is very hungry , and if it 's not you have to sit down and wait for a long , long time .
3 ‘ We want to do something to celebrate it , ’ said Mr Lamb , ‘ It 's just we have n't got much money .
4 I 've done it before it 's just I have n't done it for so long !
5 It 's just you have er a habit of when Peter explained stuff , you pipe up .
6 It 's somewhere we have no maps for , no guides .
7 and this house facing the the part of Nottingham they call the forest it 's it 's not Nottingham Forest but it 's called the forest , it 's where they have the goose fair each year .
8 It 's where you have a body which is only just ticking over , but where the brain survives .
9 In fact it 's , it 's really You have to be living in the same house as somebody who 's
10 station in n it station make me laugh boy packed up with it 's like you have to do erm spot black and white er see because what you doing fuck off he 's got ta be mad you have to spot the toilet , you do n't like it Ian , tell do n't lie please do n't lie to me .
11 It 's bizarre cos it 's like you have n't got control .
12 It 's like you have n't , if you wan na get money out , but you have n't got your card , it 's not your branch , you get charged
13 write , it 's now I have to ache , I , I wait a few minutes and then I , go on again when me hands had a rest
14 To see what happens when people pretend that a currency is worth what it is not we have only to consider Germany 's monetary union .
15 It is why you have been so successful for us abroad .
16 It is why I have come . ’
17 And if that 's what we what it is then we have to do it .
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