Example sentences of "it be [adj] [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 If it were reasonable it could not be miraculous , could it ? ’
2 that ducks do have eggs it 's possible they could of been there but they were n't .
3 It 's possible there could be conflicts between them so we felt it was important to have discussions now . ’
4 ‘ In the meantime it 's possible you could lose Ling , ’ Lucy warned .
5 Yo it 's possible you could be one of those .
6 It 's possible I could s if I walk from Newcastle catch a bus to Newcastle then walk from Newcastle .
7 It 's possible it could be flu .
8 Police said it 's possible he could have been responsible for two sex attacks in Berkshire … one in Maidenhead and one in Slough .
9 ‘ I suppose it 's possible she could be having some sort of psychological block .
10 But if it 's complex it could take much longer .
11 He says Hungary also did n't send a judge — it 's sad no-one could come up with the cash .
12 But even if I was wrong about Bryce , it 's impossible I could be wrong about Magee .
13 It 's amazing what could happen .
14 It 's all we could have hoped for .
15 ‘ In the corner , it 's all I could find , ’ she replied .
16 Well , if it 's dark there could be a chance .
17 It 's inconceivable we could go further down the road without job losses . ’
18 Their instructors will be the real experts at the police driving school ; it 's part of a pilot scheme and if it 's successful it could be extended throughout the area , and it 's free .
19 It 's likely she could face lengthy physiotherapy and recovery may be slow .
20 A pilot scheme is operating in the north-east of England and if it is successful it could be introduced to Ulster .
21 I suppose it is all I could have expected . ’
22 Never lay crops directly on the floor where it is possible they could suffer from the effects of damp and poor air circulation , and arrange produce according to its preference : the roots nearer to the cool floor , and onions and marrows close to the ceiling where it is slightly warmer .
23 It is possible they could be copies of a well known make called Valentino .
24 It is true he could have told you of me what now I have told you .
25 We cooked and served the meal that Sir Thomas had recently eaten ; it is true he could have taken the poison afterwards , however , or when he was away from the table during the entremets .
26 In 1964 , when Pople left the UK for the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh , as it was then called , his departure inspired one popular British newspaper to the headline Another brain down the drain , but given the lamentable levels of financial support by successive UK governments for the theoretical research in which Pople was to excel , it is unlikely he could have achieved so much without moving .
27 It was one of those rare occasions when a covert operation could be examined in the full glare of publicity and it showed what a foolhardy idea it was from the start for , even if Crabb had returned safely , it is unlikely he could have brought back enough information to have justified the risk in the first place .
28 Protectionism is not a serious counter movement to global capitalism because if it was successful it could do great damage to the system and , ultimately , destroy it .
29 Far from not knowing what she was doing her staff discovered it was all they could do to keep up with her .
30 ‘ I also had to give up my part-time Communications course which the Jo'burg job was paying for , because the salary in Durban was much lower and my parents could n't help me when it was all they could do to meet Dad 's medical expenses , since he never made any sort of provision for the future .
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