Example sentences of "it [adj -er] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You may even find it simpler to revert to a one handed shot on these occasions .
2 This can make it easier to arrive at the correct spot by varying the radius and steepness of the turn .
3 Eventually , the Government must make it easier to live without the car .
4 She found it easier to live in a faint fog , at one remove from what most people called reality .
5 Actually I find it easier to put in the mortgage details which is page li er pa line three and any outstanding bills and loans and then basically find out from the person how much they need on top of that
6 The business men came , we heard , the Chancellor listened , and he has incorporated in his proposals a large number of deregulatory measures , which will ease cash flow and make it easier to deal with the VAT man and the Inland Revenue .
7 They often find it easier to deal with an agency rather than directly with someone , ’ said a spokesman for Poppies , the Darlington-based company with franchises all over the country ( –444 ) .
8 You may have to contend with hidden antagonisms or even resentments , but by the weekend you will find it easier to respond to the moods or demands of a partner .
9 They say they have never encountered any problems in being an all-female firm ; if anything , they find that a lot of their male clients find it easier to talk to a woman about their finances .
10 May be if they taught us about it at school boys would find it easier to talk to a girl about sex and things like that . ’
11 We also hope that those wishing to sponsor Scottish sport will find it easier to use as a directory of opportunities .
12 Parents who enjoy a happy relationship with their own parents , may find it easier to adapt to a new kind of relationship with their own fast-maturing children .
13 However , the audience this year was below its normal pitch of receptiveness and Nobby and company might have found it easier to perform at the old Glasgow Empire … ‘ .
14 Of course night calls are usually made in a crisis and the help normally available in residential homes may make it easier to cope with a minor one without calling out a doctor .
15 make it easier to phone for an ambulance ;
16 Walkers in the North York Moors will find it easier to get into the heart of the countryside in the future — without using their cars .
17 This is where ritual may come in , making it easier to attune to the energies .
18 He slept intermittently , amused by the thought that he might have found it easier to rest in a damp , muddy trench with rats and cockroaches for companions .
19 They could find it easier to come to an agreement to support each other during a lock-out for example , because they would have sufficient financial resources to enable them to survive periods of inactivity .
20 Soak the bread in water for about 10min — this will make it easier to combine with the roe .
21 If you would find it easier to work with the doors flat on the floor , they can easily be unscrewed and replaced later .
22 D' ya is it is it advisable over the phone then to mention the price first or is it better to go into the to the er to the er
23 Was it better to turn to the law than settle by other means ?
24 ‘ I thought it better to concentrate on the ground — ’
25 On a smaller scale I often find it better to work on the floor .
26 I realise that , if someone is driving a car , and sitting behind him is a lady with a handbag and a man with fangs , he may feel it wiser to drive in the slow lane .
27 But the room was not well lit and she thought it wiser to live in the shadows as she did not want to explain why she looked ill .
28 Parents of young children , with so many other calls on their time and affections , might find it harder to cope with a difficult infant , to integrate her or him into the family — while resentful siblings could cause additional strain .
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