Example sentences of "it [adv prt] [conj] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 So she 'd try it on and it would n't fit .
2 Well , put it on and I 'll
3 She had laughed then at the vivid imagination of the child , but now for a brief moment she saw the city as Maggie saw it , basking in the first rays of the sun and oblivious to the dangerous mist below that might suck it in before it could wake up and take wing against the now blue blue sky .
4 Any other and I put diabetes in there asthma is an illness which erm you may come across , it 's the clogging up , it 's something irri irritates the tubes , the windpipe and the bronchial tube and the person can not draw air in , well they can draw it in but they ca n't get it out and they 're , and they 're trying very hard and the noise , has anybody heard anybody with an asthma attack ?
5 It 's , you can put it in but you ca n't put it back with your fingers you do n't realize it when you go up and get it and you ai n't got enough
6 When you feel " t would be a sin to Cut another sentence into , Send it in and we 'll BEGIN TO Cut it down !
7 Because it 's only little , OK pop it in and we 'll see what happens , oh , what 's it doing ?
8 Whereas in reality I think people have got to take responsibility and say , this is a reasonable time for you to do it in and we will control that reasonable time .
9 Had to be paid , it ca n't be paid by the twenty eighth it 's er you know well if I could 've got hold of David or er , Andrew , I was gon na give Andrew a right bollocking for just pushing it in and he should 've sent it to er , Michael , Michael 's just got it shoved in front of his nose a in Edinburgh .
10 You drop it in and I 'll I 'll I 'll turn the car round .
11 Yeah , all I 've got to do then is send , send it in and I 'll phone them and say well can I cash it up and still on the club and they 'll say yes but I 'll have to get up and get round there tomorrow then
12 Yeah , I 'll bring it in and you can have it .
13 ‘ I 'll bring it in and you can decide then whether you 'd accept or not . ’
14 Drop it in and you can just put David on it .
15 Plug it in and it would work ?
16 She lowered the window by the leather tab and clicked the lip into the groove of the embrasure to hold it down so she could take some photographs ; several boys climbing over the fence on the railway banks hooted at the sight of her camera and posed , arms akimbo , pretence starlets .
17 I 'll write it down but you 'll have to write to see what father Christmas says .
18 it 's up to him whether it 's , whether they say it 's right or wrong I think , I think what the council said is if they , if they want it , the thing shifting , they are strong enough to get it shifted if they , if they , if they really feel that the things rot , you see up in the Dales they , one chap built a house and er , and they said they had to pull it down because it would n't fit in with , of
19 Let's write it down and you can see , six , there are six crotchets in a bar .
20 Yes , well reading it down reading it down and it must be right and I was busy looking through
21 Since I do n't remember enough German to translate it , I copied it down until I could find someone who could . ’
22 It is in fact all oil , but for trying to understand the thing it 's better to try and break it down if we can , and that 's what 's being done here .
23 Hand it over or I will kill you . ’
24 Could you bring it over and we 'll saddle him up ?
25 I used to land at Migombo property er Matmalamo originally and then they changed it over and we used to land at Migombo But it was a funny spread !
26 But he knew it was more likely that alien golden eagles would have taken it over and it might not be easy to win it back for his own .
27 So I put them two and a half up to press with this one and then I can turn it over and I 'll be on to third side .
28 If you have a highly cultured heron than any of Papagena 's numbers from the Magic Flute will see it off before you can say Gin Rin Kohaku .
29 I try to take it off so I can keep it , but the paper tears .
30 right , queen you 've got to find now , that 's enough , cor dear , you do n't have to cross it off so you ca n't see it Q U E E N get up on that chair you 're giving me headache keeping having to look round
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