Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [adv prt] with the " in BNC.

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1 February is Pocket Books ' launch month and , although not the biggest Giant of the Month , it kicks off with the new Virginia Andrews ™ , Dawn .
2 After that , it goes up with the biggest bang this side of the Manhattan Project . ’
3 It goes along with the common complaint that there are areas and methods of serious investigation which are just not touched by scholastic doctrines .
4 Cramp the workpiece to the upper board and by means of a wood block ensure that it lines up with the edge of the top board .
5 Basically , it fiddles around with the ‘ Twin Peaks ’ /Moby strings and then slides gently into a totally infectious organ and horns track that should put an uplifting smile on many a clubber .
6 As we said in the last chapter , the Church is well placed to give a positive message at this time , to speak of how mortality is understood and how it fits in with the Christian message of salvation .
7 Because it fits in with the way you see yourself ?
8 Parents and teachers usually judge children 's behaviour by whether it fits in with the usual standards — moral , emotional , social and intellectual — set by the society in which they live .
9 ‘ No doubt , ’ said Mr Harold Brooks-Baker of Burke 's , ‘ it fits in with the freer ways of today but some feel that freedom is an over-used word .
10 In the next chapters we will go on to consider what homoeopathy is , how it arose and developed , and how it fits in with the scheme of health and disease outlined here .
11 You may have a rough idea of where you are going and if it fits in with the cosmic blueprint , doors open easily .
12 For example:UNDERSTANDING THE IBM ENVIRONMENT introduces the latest technical information about newly available IBM equipment , how it fits in with the existing range and how this should affect your view of IBM , as a customer .
13 From this analysis you get a precise idea of the level of difficulty of a text , you can compare one text with another text , and you can see whether it fits in with the syllabus your students are working to .
14 ‘ I might have expected such an answer from you , McAllister ; it fits in with the general picture , ’ said Dr Neil angrily , picking up his cane .
15 ‘ To be honest I do n't think it fits in with the Irish way of things .
16 However , the observation that the delivery time of a particular item from the Annexe depends very largely on how well the request for it fits in with the schedule of the van running between the Library and the Annexe , suggests that it might be helpful to readers if the van 's times of operation and the main pressmarks of outhoused material were advertised .
17 It starts off with the prayer-framed sequence of events up to the point in the narrative when Christ is crowned with thorns and condemned to death , but in a more compressed form .
18 It joins up with the Mill Avon . ’
19 When wallpapering a room , pin a left-over length inside a wardrobe or cupboard door so that it ages along with the paper on the walls .
20 so one council 's got a bit of paper and it ties up with the other one when you come here but if you do n't , if you have n't paid before you could n't tell them you were leaving
21 It ties in with the fifth principle that ‘ personal data shall be accurate and , where necessary , kept up-to-date ’ — a formidable requirement , if taken literally , in view of the frequency with which personal details ( address , etc. ) can change , and also bearing in mind the possible diversity of sources of information ; and who but the data subject can be the true judge of accuracy — unless of course he may have an interest in falsifying the record ?
22 It tints his white tunic orange and projects his dancing shadow right back across the ground until it rises up with the juniper trunks .
23 Derived from the Indian reel , with extensions to allow the line to run free as it spools out with the ends spinning in the hands , the plastic reel is to be recommended .
24 Now er the er the draw gear , it 's not just er er a coupling and a draw bar , it connects up with the er the buffer spring , which also er serves for the buffers as you know them , on the outside .
25 Said John Thompson , IBM vice-president and Application Business Systems general manager , ‘ We will implement RISC [ on the AS/400 ] , but not until it catches up with the AS/400 architecture , which we think is more advanced … and until we can do it in a way that wo n't disrupt the customer 's applications . ’
26 From the smoothness of the velocity field within the filaments and the way in which it matches up with the velocities of neighbouring clouds , one infers that the arms are probably gas streams tidally stretched out as they fall towards the bottom of the galactic potential .
27 It comes off with the makeup . ’
28 It comes off with the makeup .
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