Example sentences of "it [was/were] some time [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It was some time before Wexford could decide whether it was a man or a woman and when he realised it was a woman he called out a brisk , cheerful good night so that she should not be afraid .
2 He did not immediately contemplate any drastic change in his filmmaking aesthetic , since his first Hollywood picture , Rebecca ( 1940 ) , was based on a British book and used British actors , and it was some time before he made a completely American picture .
3 It was some time before the door opened and closed in a muffle of lowered voices .
4 It was some time before he realized that he had been fooled .
5 It was some time before the police learnt to react to these invasions by stealing the skins ' bootlaces and in some cases their braces .
6 It was some time before they had Liam fit to drive the cart home .
7 ‘ Stereo ’ is another ; it was some time before the word had settled down to its present meaning , and American Columbia are not to be castigated for marking their 1953 seven-inch LPs with the word ( 40 ) .
8 It was some time before the pleasurable realization occurred that real communication could take place , that noises , grimaces , and gestures could bridge the gap where there were no shared words and thus give mutual delight . )
9 It was some time before he realized that the entire Sakata factory was lit from end to end by bright , dazzling light .
10 If regional officers were to take more than a passing interest in this pattern of change the writing would have appeared to be on the wall , but as the comments of the regional medical and nursing officers cited above revealed , it was some time before their interest was kindled .
11 Which only set Nigel off more , and it was some time before he could attempt an explanation .
12 Such was the emotion caused by the attack that it was some time before any of the defenders recalled that the Collector had not been feeling well and wondered what had become of him .
13 It was some time before Jean-Claude found the place he was looking for .
14 Kneeling , with my head bent over the lavatory , it was some time before I realised this sickness was not a thing I could throw up .
15 In England for three hundred years after the Reformation there was no official public worship , and even after the Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829 it was some time before the use of music was actively encouraged by the Church .
16 This only seemed to exasperate the situation and it was some time before order was restored .
17 He heard the tin bracelets jangling on her wrists and from time to time she bent her head close over her fists as though blowing on reluctant embers ; but it was some time before he realized that he , too , was naked , and that the hands of the Moi girl were stroking and chafing his own body .
18 It was some time before we retrieved them and went into the piggery .
19 It was some time before he spoke .
20 He looked small in the crush and it was some time before the order got through .
21 Her face seemed familiar , but it was some time before he realized that she was the curly-haired bit who had given him the slip some months back .
22 Because of these problems it was some time before satisfactory reporting procedures were developed .
23 It meant taking Weenie and Co. , who had to be made tidy and neat , so it was some time before their caravan set forth .
24 It was some time before the detective found your address ; you 've been very clever in not meeting here , but it was careless of you to go to the same hotel every time , even if you did sign in as Mr and Mrs Smith .
25 It was some time before the cause of the error was identified .
26 Then his lips found hers again and it was some time before either said anything at all .
27 Kharg itself was reported as solidly defended , with Raytheon Hawk surface/air missiles and F-14 fighters operational in the area , and it was some time before significant damage was inflicted on the terminal .
28 Car and bodies had been so badly charred that it was some time before they could be identified .
29 It was some time before the organizers were able to sort things out .
30 In view of the extent of domestic disquiet in the last year of the Crimean War Alexander had every reason to adopt a policy of radical reform , but it was some time before he did so .
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