Example sentences of "it [was/were] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The bold structure of its theories rises , as it were above a swamp .
2 For the next 100 million years parts of it were under the sea and it was covered with layers of sandstone , then limestone , and swampy forests which were buried between layers of mud and sand .
3 I reckon it were about the time of the Great War .
4 If you were involved in things at a senior level , whether it were as an administrator , a Minister or even as a senior policeman , you had hundreds of things on the go at any one time .
5 They 're not exactly specialist agencies but they have a great deal of experience and they have a commitment to a certain kind of research , and they have , I mean we 've had our run-ins with them as it were , but they have listened , and they 've supported some of our work as well , and I think that they in time will provide a kind of model as it were for a number of erm perhaps less experienced agencies throughout the world , newly set-up ones , as to how it is possible to do consistently good logical rational work in the face of the chaos that a disaster produces .
6 Sometimes she dared to wonder at the causes for this way of life , for she could see that it did not represent a normal attitude towards society , though it was so deeply bred in her that all aberrations from it were for the rest of her life to seem to her perverse : but when , occasionally , she glimpsed some faint light of causation , she recoiled from it and shut her eyes in horror , preferring the darkness to such bitter illumination .
7 This is very difficult because it means er it is a potential threat as it were to the countryside of the county .
8 Erm , we 're coming as it were to the end of the first part of the proceedings , er , but , I 'd like to give a brief thanks to the er , C R group , that 's the Charities Recruitment Group , for the part sponsorship of this A G M Conference .
9 When the Alternative Service Book was threatening the absolutism of the Book of Common Prayer a few years ago , the Book of Common Prayer was being spoken of as if it were on a par with Holy Writ .
10 The Labour leadership was sceptical about workers ' control , indeed Cripps is reported as having said ‘ I think it would be almost impossible to have worker-controlled industry in Britain even if it were on the whole desirable ’ ( Coates & Topham , 1975 , p. 60 ) .
11 I , er first of all I was a kind of shy wee laddie as it were on the council .
12 Her fresh-faced expression gazing as it were on the threshold of life is a poignant reminder of the passing of time and finite nature of dreams .
13 I thought it better to pretend I had forgotten the incident , as if it were of no importance .
14 Now , the means whereby the standards of the higher courses , devised by the new polytechnics , could be validated and monitored were also at hand , with the Council for National Academic Awards ( CNAA ) , granted its Royal Charter in 1964 , and charged with ensuring that the courses approved by it were of a standard at least equivalent to similar courses in the universities .
15 For example , an ambiguous stop segment at the beginning of would be less likely to be identified as than if it were at the beginning of .
16 That 's right , the , the , the id rewards the ego as it were with a feeling of pleasure when it 's when it 's met its demand .
17 When he was consecrated , however , Cranmer made a public protestation that any oath which he took acknowledging the authority of the Pope was not intended to be binding if it were against the law of God or the King 's prerogatives , nor would it bind him to be less free in reformation of the Church .
18 she found this booklet and it were like a cheque book
19 To reject the mythological character of much of the Bible is to run the serious risk of looking for the truth of scripture as if it were like the kernel in the nut , and ending up with nothing but the shell .
20 But he would give her anything then but it were like the doctor said it was too late .
21 These benefits included , he proposed : " Morals reformed , health preserved , industry invigorated , instruction diffused , public burthens lightened , Economy seated , as it were upon a rock … all by a simple idea in Architecture ! "
22 Yet the polls show that most voters want inflation stopped , and the main opposition , the Workers ' party , while formally denouncing the plan as ‘ authoritarian , demagogic , privatising and favourable to foreign capital ’ , may merely wish it were in a position to do likewise .
23 Alternatively , you could create a small design as though it were in a vase or a natural spray , and then surround it with an archway of flowers This would then have no mount , but just a plainish frame , to avoid the overall effect seeming too cluttered .
24 The animal 's diet has to be similar , if not exactly the same as , its diet would be if it were in the wild .
25 So it seems to be about school anxiety and exam anxieties and so , but those are very common kinds of dreams , but , but very often when you you find they 're actually about the present , they 're about some recurrent anxiety or conflict in the present which is masquerading as if it were in the past because your associations of what 's going on are connected with the past er one way or another .
26 Yeah , so if it were in the dictionary , I mean I know you able to turn to the
27 If it were in the silence that the blackbirds speak to each other ?
28 Erm , it , what it struck me as is a parallel with Freud 's idea of transference , you know that once something happens in the , in the traumatic period in a , in a childhood , there 's then a tendency to transference to occur later in life , we recreate later in relationships to er the model of the early one and er it struck me that what you said about French industrial relations sounded a bit like transference in erm in the psychoanalysis the idea that i i it spills out as it were from the initial which might have been saved er within the family to other relationships i in later life that people have with their superiors at work or something I mean you can see this actually sometimes you know that people have relationships with their superiors which are clearly erm based on erm their relationships with their parents and they see the , th their boss as a parental figure and the employee sees themselves as er as , as , as a kind of erm child and it shows itself sometimes in quite er quite unmistakable ways .
29 This was Little Gidding , and , as she wrote , ‘ I shall never forget the experience of hearing the words new-minted as it were from the poet 's own lips ’ .
30 So the technological backwardness means that , and the over population , means that the soil is , is losing its richness and there 's absolutely no way of restoring it artificially by ploughing deeply and turning up er new soil or by re-enriching it as it were by the use of artificial or natural fertilizers .
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