Example sentences of "it [was/were] [adj] [conj] in " in BNC.

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1 Erm I liked it very much , it was nice and in April .
2 In some ways it was better and in some ways it was worse .
3 I 'll repeat what I said chairman , and I hope it was helpful that in terms of er er demand , I think all sectors would indicate that there is erm er demand er development demand , marked demand erm right the way er around Greater York .
4 If it was sad that in England in 1963 his form finally drifted away , he did at least give his last fine Test innings , an unbeaten 74 , to the Manchester crowd , a happy choice of venue in view of his connection with Radcliffe and the university .
5 Well I know , but it was sad because in Gosport that was what keep most of them going , I mean like they said none of them have never been on the dole before , they 've all been there since they 've left school , there was a couple there
6 It was apparent that in many cases the Board 's advertising had been ineffective or unattractive .
7 In 1970 the actual deficit measured in terms of millions of 1969 escudos was 2,317 , in 1971 it was 8,390 , in 1972 it was 10,010 and in 1973 , 12,348 .
8 It is impossible for the outsider to appreciate what this meant to a man as proud as Richards , but it was noticeable that in the Test series against Pakistan and New Zealand which followed his form was very ordinary .
9 It was dark and in our haste we only lit one candle .
10 Nevertheless , it was necessary and in future the officer who was overseeing the making of such statements should require the maker to record that he had been cautioned and that he understood .
11 It was practical and in harmony with the surroundings .
12 It does not , however , say much for the Worcestershire industries that , apart from salt , cloth making was the only one noticed by Leland , although it was unimportant except in Worcester and towns like Kidderminster , where there were swarms of poor artificers , and Bromsgrove .
13 But more than that , it was evident that in struggling to attain a communal harmony which was in all likelihood unattainable , Britain ran the risk of throwing away her only chance of retiring from India in good order .
14 It was evident that in neither the ECSC nor EDC could the supranational agencies have powers commensurate with their responsibilities : the ECSC was already giving indications of the resilience of national governments .
15 For it was proper that in matters of sacrifice the ruler should fare better than the commoner and the nation than the ruler , since the whole should always be superior to the part …
16 It was important that in my visit to Vietnam , for example , I was accompanied by British business men from British Petroleum , Enterprise Oil , Shell , Lasmo , British Gas and Barclays bank .
17 Victorian culture , with its concentration on individual responsibility and the primacy of the family , had played the dominant role in shaping much of Nonconformity ; it was inevitable that in its turn Nonconformity should absorb much of that culture into its way of thinking .
18 I suppose it was inevitable that in 1918 he should capitalise on his expertise at a time when the post-war craze for the new-fangled wireless sets was at its height .
19 He said it was inevitable that in 5pc of instances the response times may be longer .
20 Mr Threlfall , who has promised an investigation , said it was inevitable that in some cases response times were longer .
21 It was remarkable that in the Archidamian War the Peloponnesians abstained from destroying those Attic olive trees which were regarded as sacred to Athena ( Androtion F 39 ) .
22 It was true that in the 1880s youth work had meant philanthropy and religion , whereas in the 1900s it was felt to be the responsibility of local education authorities , juvenile employment committees , after-care committees and part-time day continuation classes in liberal and vocational studies .
23 It was true that in such a solitary place anyone within a dozen miles must have heard him .
24 The pipebridge section alone held five tons of hot water when it was full and in all we must have pumped hundreds of tons around the system .
25 On the other hand he was proud of what he was up to , and it was exciting and in a good cause ; so he talked about it .
26 ‘ As may be supposed ’ , he wrote , ‘ the sight of a bird of such beauty , which , moreover , was entirely new to me , excited so strong a desire to possess it that scarcely a moment elapsed before it was dead and in my hand . ’
27 It was notable that in the Peruvian forest some four genera of marsupials were involved , members of the group that comprises the non-flying mammalian pollinators of Australia .
28 It was clear that in spite of the NSDAP 's grip on the local population and the conciliatory attitudes of British and French politicians , he would be unable to bargain Danzig back into the Reich .
29 Repeatedly the theme of making the work place like a family was touched upon , and while higher management were not referred to as ‘ parents ’ it was clear that in feeling they were so regarded .
30 By sweeping aside the common law doctrine of privity in this way , it was clear that in theory insiders would be potentially exposed to vast liability .
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