Example sentences of "it [is] [det] [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it 's that bloke who locked the gates in Gibraltar so they could n't get into Spain .
2 It 's this generation who 'll benefit from the new Europe ; a Europe that 's proving so hard to build .
3 I bet it 's this lot who come to it .
4 When the going gets tough , it 's these people who react best — be it at a natural disaster , accident or sudden emergency .
5 And it 's these people who need to worry most .
6 Erm they are going into the villages , they 're making contacts with individual peasants erm it 's those peasants that , that they get to stand up and make the first accusations , it 's those peasants who join the Party erm and the process can build up in , in a way which was more difficult before then .
7 The well-adjusted children are the ones who know someone loves them — but then it 's those children who do n't get the attention . ’
8 It is that man who is now her lover .
9 The individual in whom that spirit lives will be faced with the opportunity to do such wrong and it is that individual who makes the choice and decides which path to follow .
10 It is this group who will be the senior teachers , heads and inspectors at the beginning of the second millennium , and it will be they who will therefore have the opportunity , if they choose to take it , to play a crucial role in educational reform .
11 Thatcher 's children , one and all , it is these generations who feel the need to belong to new collectivities , connected to the energy of PEOPLE-POWER , the key phrase for the 90s .
12 In conversations which involve speakers of both the first and second generations it is mainly the behaviour of the second generation speakers which is of interest , for it is these individuals who have " stylistic mobility " between London English and Creole and can be assumed to be using the two codes differentially ( though not necessarily consciously ) in a strategic way .
13 It is these people who are uniquely placed to observe the culture and comment on it .
14 It is these people who should avoid it .
15 It is these people who are most difficult to place and who are most likely to be returned to institutions ( Sutter et al. , 1980 ; Intagliata and Willer , 1982 ; Vitello et al. , 1983 ) , where they are likely to remain unpopular patients who are avoided by staff ( Grant and Moores , 1977 ; Raynes , 1980 ) .
16 It is these colleagues who deposed Khrushchev , not the Armed Forces .
17 Troilus self-control , his patience , is admirable : he perceives that the Cressida whom he ‘ loved ’ is no longer unified , that it is another girl who is giving ‘ The fragments , scraps , the bits , and the greasy relics Of her o'ereaten faith ’ to Diomedes .
18 One essential paradox is that it is those groups who are poorest in terms of resources to cope with difficulties who are beset with the greatest problems .
19 The hypothesis put forward by Gusfield , that it is those people who have experienced status erosion who become committed , remains at least a priori plausible .
20 Perhaps I will be thought outspoken , but so often it is those people who have moved into the country that complain .
21 May I just say that the majority of people will care for their animals but it is those people who buy , we have s er cases where erm people will turn up on Christmas day and say to their elderly relative , We bought you a puppy .
22 This suggests , rather unpalatably , that apart from bright children who do well at both school and work , it is those children who are apathetic about , or even alienated from , school who adjust best to work .
23 Because their correlations were strongly linked to their rating of the respondent 's perceived adequacy of their social relationships but not to their availability , they conclude that it is not therefore the actual social environment of people which is important to the development of neurotic symptoms , but rather that , when faced with adversity , it is those individuals who view their social relationships as inadequate who have a substantially increased risk of developing neurotic symptoms .
24 ‘ What does that matter ? ’ she asked bewilderedly. ‘ 'T IS those men who — ’
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