Example sentences of "it [is] [adv] [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 But it 's rather surprising that is n't it cos er a a lot of these er songs that you sing actually came from America .
2 WITH ALL THIS BRAVADO it 's rather ironic that none of the performers would tell me their real names .
3 It 's rather ironic that , over a quarter of century later , we 're still relying on a charitable organisation to meet most of our preschool provision needs .
4 Therefore , it 's rather ironic that one of the clubs who pipped them for promotion to Division I , West of Scotland , reckon the very reason they are going up is down to their New Zealand lock , Gordon McPherson .
5 At a matter of fact , it 's rather interesting that because somebody actually had a go at Peter about this , he 's a B B C er and we er , we should n't enter into politics about this , but you know the background of Peter .
6 It 's rather interesting that the only two management er training courses I did last year , were er stress management and time management and I seem to cocked them both up
7 Well if th if there 's somebody whose listening in the Derby area who can help us with a street lamp that 's out and it 's rather important that it get put on , and it 's been out for six weeks now
8 It seems unlikely that a Tibetan would have got up there to take them , but then it could be argued that it 's equally unlikely that a yeti was the culprit .
9 It 's equally important that goods do n't get damaged on their way to the shop floor , or when they arrive there .
10 It 's already remarkable that the eyes of every animal examined to date , vertebrate and invertebrate , use rhodopsin type photochemistry .
11 If we are going to deliver to the people to whom we as elected members owe the highest duty , that 's the people who are in receipt of our services the sort of quality service that we , that they deserve then I have to say that we can have as many reports of this nature as we like , but you have got to acknowledge the need to change and you have got to stop resenting the rights of parents and governors to run schools , you 've got to stop being obstructive to competitive tendering and you have got to stop arguing for the retention of services where it 's patently obvious that there 's over provision .
12 Yes Chair , th th that 's right , as I understand it , there is no reason why C should not be discussed next session , indeed it 's probably right that it should be , but it 's a matter for members to decide whether they can usefully do so before considering B.
13 No it 's probably right that you do n't bully the youngsters .
14 And while it 's clearly undeniable that they are no longer lovelorn newlyweds , I am not totally convinced that these pictures — coupled with the comments of anonymous ‘ friends ’ and ambitious biographers — are proof of their estrangement .
15 DROP DEAD FRED is produced by Working Title , whose films we are celebrating throughout the Festival , so it 's particularly appropriate that their latest success opens the Festival .
16 It 's particularly disappointing that he 's gone to another English club .
17 But nothing has has really changed it 's surely implicit that green field sites will have to be released to meet the justifiable needs for development erm that there are ways clearly to minimize the impact by by first redeveloping the existing sites by by releasing sites in less sensitive locations , or developing sites that have minimal impact on on existing settle settlements or patterns of development un unless in exceptional circumstances there is for example the need for a new settlement .
18 It 's most unlikely that will be achieved if the rolled joint or poultry is cooked from frozen .
19 ‘ I think it 's most unlikely that either you or Peter would ever pay court to any woman for longer than it suited you .
20 He said it was a very sad case but he added that if the Harrises do n't pay up this time it 's most unlikely that their eviction will be postponed again .
21 And it 's most important that we the Parish Council get in our erm send our views to the , the commissioners .
22 And in any case , it 's most likely that it was a completely misleading headline in the press .
23 And of course we keep their rooms for them as long as there 's any chance at all — it 's tremendously important that they should feel they 've a home to go back to . ’
24 erm I saw in the newspaper , as I am sure you probably did , last week that the government has just devoted , I think , nine million pounds over the next few years to develop curricula and methods of training teachers in schools , and I think it 's tremendously important that that does n't become merely a bit more science of one form or another .
25 It 's desperately important that we have these new facilities ’ he says .
26 So I think that it 's desperately important that people are conscious of that now .
27 It 's wrong , Mr Deputy Speaker , if they 're living in this country erm on a semi-permanent basis and happen to have been here last October they 'll have a vote so will any everybody else who 's a citizen of the European union , so will peers of the realm who happen to be living elsewhere whether they 're in this country or outside this country under these regulations and previous regulations , have a vote in the European elections and I think it 's wholly wrong that erm citizens of other European countries namely France because that 's the one and it 's remarkable is it not that France is the one that 's gon na be the cause of this whole edifice collapsing if we do n't submit to their extra demands but citizens of France who are citizens living in their colonies , as I 've said in South America , the West Indies and the Pacific , will have a vote in the European elections on June the ninth and yet we have got citizens for whom we are responsible for in this house , we can not shirk it onto anyone else , we deny them the responsibility and I think it 's about time the house addressed this matter .
28 You know , John , I do n't think — and I never have thought — that it 's dramatically convincing that he should , that he should fuck her too , John . "
29 It 's pretty certain that you can stay .
30 It 's pretty definite that he 's got the body .
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