Example sentences of "it [is] [adv] [adj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Of course we all need a certain amount in order to exist — and it 's rather nice to have a bit to spare .
2 but um I 'm a great believer that it 's rather nice to have that going on while the event is going on you know you sit and munch a corned beef butty as you dribble your coffee down the front of your shirt
3 It 's rather nice to think that it happened in that way , that it was done overnight .
4 It 's rather early to tell , ’ she said .
5 Any political party ought to have vision , but it 's rather strange to find your editorial ( ‘ The vision thing ’ , 8 May ) quoting William Beveridge on the evils of Want , Disease , Squalor and Ignorance .
6 It 's rather stupid to have a fat dinner in a cookery book , what ?
7 It 's rather presumptuous to judge my character on such short acquaintance … ’
8 Rather than trying to bluff your way through , it is better to say something like , ‘ Right at this moment it 's rather difficult to remember the exact details , could I possibly look over the advertisement again ? ’
9 Well that they any comment on the appearance of a woman they now think erm it 's rather difficult to say .
10 It 's rather difficult to explain — ’
11 Er if you do go to microphones three , which is the one at the back , it 's rather difficult to see you with the spotlight in my face .
12 I tend to think it 's rather hard to over-read Shakespeare , simply because of the experience of finding that my reading fell short on many occasions .
13 I tend to think it 's rather hard to over-read Shakespeare , simply because of the experience of , of finding that my reading fell short on many occasions .
14 Very well , that is carried certainly , nem con , quite possibly unanimous although it 's rather hard to see into the far corners .
15 And she was aware that the same thought had occurred to him as he observed , ‘ If your own car has suffered any damage in the incident , I 'm afraid it 's rather hard to identify .
16 But it 's rather depressing to talk about . ’
17 planning applications and er er items relating to Poor Lane , er and also the traffic on Station Road later on , er I think it 's rather complicated to talk about all of these at at one go , because I know er different members of the public have come for different reasons and perhaps , for the moment , I 'll not ask for any comments about Mr Smith 's proposals on Poor Lane , er nor er comments about Station Road , er but I will ask you if you want to refer to planning applications , er we have three planning applications , one is to extend the car park behind the pub , one is for a change of plan to one of the houses on the development adjacent to us , er and the third one is er er the plans submitted by Grant Development at Thorney , erm , I suspect most comments will be about the last , er perhaps I should ask first if anybody wants to make any comments about proposals behind the reindeer in , or at Chapel cottage site , does anybody , er in the public want to mention those erm , well we will go on to the one at Thorney then , and you 're Mr Walker ?
18 It 's rather fanciful to think you will be able to walk into a solicitor 's office in Carlisle , engage one lawyer , then argue your case up to the highest court in the land .
19 Obviously situations like the airport arrival can be worked out ahead of time and you can plan how best to accommodate the media for such moments , but it 's equally important to spot new potential and make the most of it .
20 It 's common sense to keep medicines in a safe place away from children , but it 's equally important to lock away vitamin and mineral supplements .
21 It 's practically impossible to say no to someone who 's actually loaded their rucksack into your boot and clipped on their seatbelt .
22 I mean , it 's practically impossible to know that
23 I suppose if you think about it his parents probably think it 's probably good to get him out of London and get him doing something .
24 It 's probably healthy to have the outlook that we have , though .
25 There 's all sorts of ex it 's probably impractical to test every single cell .
26 It 's probably true to say that some actors just do n't mix well with other actors or directors .
27 It 's probably true to say , is n't it , that anybody who 's going to be picking this up are going to be in the school system rather than in the private school system ?
28 Rushie picked up a few lira and an Armani suit but it 's probably fair to say our golden boy from St Asaph did n't exactly win the freedom of Turin .
29 Unless you 're Peter Pan , in which case you probably believe in fairies as well , it 's probably fair to say that you are only young once .
30 Interestingly enough , even with a wide range of prices and types of hotel-style accommodation available , it 's probably fair to say that the majority of guests expect en suite bathroom facilities as standard .
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