Example sentences of "it [is] [adv] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If somebody beats you up and you feel hurt and upset and it 's enormously painful then you need to go to casualty afterwards erm that sort of fits the scripts y'know that 's w that 's that 's understandable .
2 I do n't want to go out — it 's blummin freezing outside , but I ai n't got no choice .
3 It 's blummin enormous inside — I did n't expect nothing like this .
4 Er but i you know it 's rather nice actually .
5 Once upon a time you used to have a five year planning period , and that has now disappeared , so we live hand to mouth , and the Finance Officer manages marvellously in juggling things round , but one can no longer plan as one used to , and therefore it 's rather sad really , because people no longer have the chance to develop things as they would wish to .
6 It 's rather late today , do n't you think ?
7 This is erm Nick and I said that erm it 's rather confusing here because on the one hand he represents the American dream boy because he 's young , he 's beautiful , he 's got his future ahead of him .
8 It 's rather ludicrous really .
9 Yes , I 've got four going at the moment actually , it 's rather ludicrous really .
10 ‘ Say simply and honestly that eternity is as much like an instant as like a million years , because it 's equally unlike either .
11 only point , er , four point five and it 's plenty warm enough int it ?
12 but it 's erm , och it 's ticking along the trade you know , but er if , it 's bitterly cold here , I do n't know what it 's like with you at the moment ?
13 and it would n't surprise me one bit , because it , as I say it 's bitterly cold here , while it 's dry at the moment , it 's bitterly cold
14 It 's probably warm enough . ’
15 So it 's probably good rather
16 It 's probably cold enough out there to be the fridge .
17 I said it 's probably cold enough out there .
18 It 's probably wrong though
19 twisted , warped , it 's in a sense it 's exactly the same as the circle , you know you draw the circle it 's a line that starts there and goes perfectly round and comes back to the starting point , it 's exactly the same as that , but it 's been pushed out at the edges , it 's been dented in here , it 's not recognisable now as that same circle , although it 's what it is , and you see what , what has happened is although we 've sinned , although we 've come short of God 's plan , God has n't destroyed the whole thing , he could so easily just taken up the human life and crumple it up and thrown it on the heap , said finished with them , ca n't be bothered , I 'll start all over again with new people , I 'll have a new creation , well he did have a new creation , but he kept that same creation , he said I 'm gon na work on it , I 'm gon na do something with it , I 'm gon na restore it , I 'm gon na ransom it , I 'm gon na redeem it , I 'm gon na make it again , not just like it was , but I 'm gon na make it even more wonderful and more beautiful .
20 It just irritates , it 's not sore now , it irritates .
21 It 's not long away , the second week in June next year .
22 Cos it 's not long now you know Rosie .
23 It 's not long now
24 So it 's not long now as you say .
25 Neighbours who offered a two thousand pound reward for the capture of the culprit say it 's not long enough .
26 It 's not long enough you know
27 It 's not long enough !
28 of course it would , but it 's not long enough to bag
29 erm I 'm conscious of the fact that I 've been going on for perhaps too long and I may not have said quite enough about Darwin , but let me just finish by saying this that it 's not possible today , I believe , to discuss any important problem in biology without Darwin 's thought being absolutely central to what you 're saying all the time .
30 Close to tears , she said : ‘ I wish Heidi was with me , but it 's not possible right now .
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