Example sentences of "it [is] [adj] [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 Now this contest I 'm looking forward too , it 's young left-hander who plays all manner of strokes , where the superb hundred at Hove last weekend , and er , tucked in particularly since Salisbury the leg spinner , on a short leg side boundary and it was similar situation today .
2 Perhaps it 's that bloke who locked the gates in Gibraltar so they could n't get into Spain .
3 It 's this generation who 'll benefit from the new Europe ; a Europe that 's proving so hard to build .
4 I bet it 's this lot who come to it .
5 Very often they have a bit of a say in it , because you know that the young girl has n't got , but erm interestingly enough they tend to get recycled to young men and it 's the older men that get the young girls from their older male and it 's younger men who get .
6 It 's old ladies who show all the signs of a long life on subsistence , though they would n't necessarily see themselves as having been poor , because their husbands were n't necessarily poor .
7 It 's single parents who suffer most .
8 When the going gets tough , it 's these people who react best — be it at a natural disaster , accident or sudden emergency .
9 And it 's these people who need to worry most .
10 Erm they are going into the villages , they 're making contacts with individual peasants erm it 's those peasants that , that they get to stand up and make the first accusations , it 's those peasants who join the Party erm and the process can build up in , in a way which was more difficult before then .
11 The well-adjusted children are the ones who know someone loves them — but then it 's those children who do n't get the attention . ’
12 I like big heads that are flat at the back , not pointed , and for that reason in recent years it is Korean males who have attracted me most , with their rich , straight black hair laid perpendicularly on that square-backed skull — always , to me , the sign of a male good at mathematics , the sexiest science .
13 Meanwhile it is male colleagues who have largely benefited from this anti-lesbianism .
14 Blame becomes indiscriminate when it can not be focused and seen in context , and it is black people who are the ones to suffer most in this situation .
15 Mr Powell , of course , has not been notably shy about declaring his belief that it is black people who are at the root of the decline and fall of the ‘ British way of life ’ .
16 Relative to disabled people , it is non-Disabled people who hold the social and economic resources , and ways need to be found to facilitate equitable access to them .
17 While financial resources and technical equipment are of great importance in the effort to establish and operate an adequate information and communication capability , it is skilled personnel who constitute the most critical factor .
18 While financial resources and technical equipment are of great importance in the effort to establish and operate an adequate information and communication capability , it is skilled personnel who constitute the most critical factor .
19 It 's something both they and lesbians have always been blamed for , despite the now well-publicized fact that it is heterosexual men who commit by far the most assaults on boys , as well as girls .
20 The point is that it is middle management who spoil and destroy this potential relationship .
21 It is that man who is now her lover .
22 The individual in whom that spirit lives will be faced with the opportunity to do such wrong and it is that individual who makes the choice and decides which path to follow .
23 It is other girls who are on set wages who put in the fat work [ i. e. the spacing ] and the house gets the benefit of it .
24 ‘ That is because these days you are at the top of the ladder and it is other men who are sent to places like this . ’
25 The report does not insist that it is one man who has committed all the offences , but the implication is that is the case .
26 It is living patients who benefit , and therefore granting permission for a hospital autopsy on one 's deceased loved-one is a responsible and publicspirited act , which may benefit other patients .
27 Although women , elderly women in particular , feel at greater risk from violence , it is young men who are by far the main victims of assaults , which occur principally in the middle of the afternoon , not late at night .
28 It strikes me that it is young people who are most at risk and who have most to lose .
29 Anyway erm I think we totally support the thrust of what you 're asking about and I was asked to make a special appeal to County Council to see whether they could assist with this recently established Rural Options Land Bank , the purpose of which is rather extraordinary , but I mean it is defined landowners who have a philanthropic bent to provide the land to do something about the very problem you 've raised .
30 It is this group who will be the senior teachers , heads and inspectors at the beginning of the second millennium , and it will be they who will therefore have the opportunity , if they choose to take it , to play a crucial role in educational reform .
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