Example sentences of "it [vb mod] also [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 It should also lead you to ask another vital check question : Exactly how much time have I got for the presentation ?
2 Not only will this keep the bush compact but it should also give you another flush of flowers .
3 Since it is a crude oversimplification it might also mislead you .
4 It 'll also tell you that if in return they call you a dweeb or a flake , they 're probably not being very polite either .
5 It 'll also help you to get to grips with police procedures . ’
6 and it would also enable you to quickly and easily do something on the erm on the , on the private functions night to make it look different .
7 It , it is , it , it is seen as a possibility that if you use carry forwards as a way of finding the reductions , A you would n't actually reduce a service on the face of it , and you would also , it would also give you a chance to examine where those reductions in services could be found in the coming months , er , rather than take decisions immediately .
8 With the help of your watch , it will also tell you the speed at which you are travelling .
9 It will also give you a more objective idea of how an employer sees you when reading your application form or letter .
10 It will also give you the opportunity to get used to hearing the sound of your own voice and to work out a way of expressing clearly the points you would like to put across .
11 Not only is it bulletproof but it will also give you privacy to speak to the ambassador .
12 Is it any wonder that we do n't really taste our food any more ? learning to become aware of the flavour of what you eat and drink will not only give you a great deal of pleasure which you may have forgotten but it will also make you more discerning in what you choose to put into your mouth .
13 It will also make you highly successful in the material world .
14 But because lambswool ‘ breathes ’ it will also keep you cool in summer .
15 It will also help you to become more familiar with the glider .
16 Not only will it make you and your baby happier it will also help you to have an easier and enjoyable birth .
17 It will also help you to keep track of how they are using their free time
18 It will also help you if you are rejected as you will be too busy planning for the next project to allow yourself to come to a full stop .
19 It will also help you to become more comfortable with not doing ‘ C ’ items .
20 In many cases it will also repay you , in subsequent work saved , to register the title to the property .
21 It will also provide you with a helpful forum for explaining your particular needs , and your views on the process and content of education .
22 It will also put you on notice to expect a commission account after contracts are exchanged .
23 ‘ However , it can also make you disorientated and you start to apply for less and less appropriate jobs as you get desperate .
24 It can also cover you for defending or bringing an action for personal injuries caused at work or elsewhere .
25 It can also help you keep up with the rapidly changing world of work .
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