Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , it may at first sight seem advantageous to a landlord to grant such a tenancy .
2 Moreover , it may at any time be varied or revoked by an ordinary resolution even if that involves an alteration of the articles .
3 The consensus is that the world is not yet ready for it , and it may in any case never be necessary .
4 The Committee is quoting the Heilbron Report , and appears to be saying that if the public thinks that a particular law covers certain activities and in fact it does cover these activities , then it should for that reason continue to cover only these activities .
5 I determined that it should not happen again and it seemed impossible that it should for this time I should carry with me the foundation of happiness which I had found behind the wire .
6 THE Bank of England remains concerned that underlying inflation is still running at least 2 to 3 per cent higher than it should at this stage of the economic cycle , and repeats its belief that there is no real room for further cuts in interest rates while the pound remains so sensitive , writes Clifford German .
7 It should in any case use the total-chromatic consistently .
8 To achieve this , Poulantzas says , it must to some extent be independent of all classes , or as he puts it , it must be relatively autonomous .
9 In this way , following Marx , they contend that if military expenditure and involvement in society and politics has increased , then it must in some way be functional for the survival of capitalism as an economic system .
10 It might at any moment be lifted away from me utterly and I would be left exposed .
11 at Christmas time 193 1 I had a table of gold , hoping that it might in some way draw us all back to the old gold standard again gold lame tablecloth , old white Mennecey china , many yellow roses .
12 This meant that their authority was rather limited since it could at any moment be revoked by the shareholders .
13 He said the council tax bill for expensive properties would be a much smaller percentage of the house value than it would on cheaper housing where the majority of people live .
14 And yes , that fireplace gave me as much pleasure always as I had imagined it would on first sight .
15 They observe , however , that it would on any view be a grave impediment to the freedom of the press if those who print , or a fortiori those who distribute , matter reflecting critically on the conduct of public authorities could only do so with impunity if they could first verify the accuracy of all statements of fact on which the criticism was based .
16 He declined Dinah 's offer ; no doubt it would in any case be thought improper for two young ladies to drive a young man home .
17 To the extent that such approaches may suggest the desirability of changing over to a counter-force nuclear policy , they escape from the moral frying-pan of counter-city targeting into the strategic fire of counter-force , which has the twin disadvantages that it might put a premium on first strike and that it would in any case result in frightful civilian losses .
18 To make things still worse , he added that it would in any case be quite useless for them to make plans without the king 's approval , for nothing could be achieved without his collaboration .
19 It would in any case be difficult to derive the high Sr/Y , La/Yb ratios and low Y and HREE contents of these magmas by fractional crystallization of the main phases present in the rocks : plagioclase , hornblende and clino- pyroxene .
20 Certainly , I never imagined that it would in any way be see-through .
21 As for apportioning blame for the £215m fraud at International Signal and Control , the Ferranti subsidiary , rumour and speculation abounded as it will for some time to come .
22 It will without much doubt remain true , however , that so long as Britain attaches paramount importance to tying her currency in with the Deutschmark and to the other European currencies , her governments will be inhibited from acting in the direct interest of British citizens .
23 It will at some stage debate moves to take control of television and radio and whether to call early presidential and parliamentary elections .
24 It will in any event be one vote , and in no way can I make it count for P and Q and R and S and T , or even just for P and Q.
25 While it has the advantage of putting slurry at plant root level where it can be used quickly , it can not bury the same volume of slurry or reduce the smell as much as it can with deep injection .
26 The counterparty to this forward contract , let us say it is a bank , may for its part be willing to transact because it has a wider , more diversified portfolio than the hedger , within which it can to some extent offset the risky prospect .
27 Since any comprehensive peace implies a reduction of influence by , and local dependency on , the superpowers , it can not be assumed that either superpower has a strong interest in a genuine peace , unless it is able to derive greater advantage from peace than it can from continued conflict .
28 The new congregation has a heaven sent opportunity to begin again to do all it can in public worship to present Christ in such a way that those who do n't know him can find him .
29 On 2 May 1839 Prince wrote to Gould in Australia warning him of Swainson 's impending visit : ‘ Mr. Yarrell has just called and requested me to tell you that Mr Swainson is going to Australia whether to collect or to settle is not known at present but he considered it of importance that you should know it as quickly as possible not that either he or I think it can in any way affect you as you have so good a start and his wonted and well known irregularity of publication will surely militate against him . ’
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