Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [verb] [be] just " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think a part of me probably died when I took your job , though it may have been just the settling-down thing .
2 And , as the hairs on head and body are all at different stages of the hair growth cycle , waxing does not always mean that some hair does n't grow back quickly — it may have been just under the skin just waiting to pop out !
3 That seemed unlikely to win over the malcontents , but it may have been just enough to get the president home .
4 I doubt whether this implied anything lurid ; it may have been just a consultation .
5 It should have been just the incentive Ipswich needed to take control of the game but instead it was Newcastle who went in at half-time leading .
6 It should have been just one of those stories one dines out on afterwards , only the wretched woman thought I was being deliberately insulting and complained to the Management .
7 ‘ It all seemed to go on for a long time , but it must have been just a few seconds . ’
8 It must have been just after I left , thought Joan .
9 It must have been just before Boswell picked her up .
10 It must have been just before I left home in November .
11 I was about eleven at the time , it must have been just after the war .
12 Well , and I went to Ipswich well it must have been just after the war then
13 And if you phoned me early in the year it must have been just after we got the V W.
14 No it must have been just coincidence .
15 She said well it must have been just those two little bits .
16 Police think it could 've been just a dirty night out .
17 Er you saw the er saw him five years ago in the navy , now it could 've been just a regular check which every seaman gets or it could be , it could 've been something of a serious nature .
18 It could have been just a bush moving in the breeze .
19 I , I think it could have been just put into user friendly English .
20 it could have been just because it 's , just had just newly changed hands and it might have
21 With an authoritarian captain to instil some pep into them , a draw or two may have been salvaged and it would have been just another defeat rather than an abject cave-in , but Gower was not able to pick them up .
22 Two years previously it would have been just another biker film , and two years on it would have been dated in terms of attitudes .
23 Mind you , this is not quite as unsatisfactory as the ‘ Piano Quartet ’ set where it would have been just possible to confine Op. 26 and Op. 60 to the second disc , rather than breaking after the magical slow movement of the earlier of these two works .
24 To rely upon the 1982 accounts as providing a reason for deciding to discount these bills would have been reckless ; it would have been just and equitable to require Union Discount to bear the whole of the loss . ’
25 It would have been just like Chris to hide the Grimoire down there , ’ Donna said , pointing towards the abyss beyond the steps .
26 It would have been just her luck if the damned thing had broken down en route , leaving her at the mercy of his unexpected return .
27 It would have been just like her to take a method like this to exact a petty revenge for their disagreements , landing Folly with a pile of unwanted stock that she could n't refuse without souring relations with her supplier .
28 But when I think it would have been just eight years from completion now , up to a height of about 400 feet , I think it 's sad we did n't get permission to build it .
29 It would have been just like Jean to have gone along for the journey . ’
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