Example sentences of "it [vb pp] that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I would not for a moment have it supposed that I mean anything derogatory to Dr. Yeats … but human nature is fallible .
2 For example , did the guild have storage space within the church or was it expected that they make provision elsewhere ?
3 Is it agreed that we ask Richard if he could deal with this for us please ?
4 Is it is it agreed that we pay the account for the tables ?
5 When it came to the line ‘ … we wo n't have it known that we own a telephone ’ , tears coursed down Babs Osborne 's cheeks .
6 Some of them very negative , and how much they hated doing what they 'd been made to do er , and others very surprisingly made it known that they had thoroughly enjoyed it .
7 A group of so-called " ethical ministers " , led by Economy Minister Marcilio Marques Moreira and including Justice Minister Célio Borja and Bornhausen , made it known that they had only signed this " pact " in order to ensure the governability of the country , and not out of loyalty to Collor .
8 All he had to do then was to make it known that he had promised to leave Laura alone so that she could have a rest in peace , to make an excuse about paying a brief visit to the Gents , to go up to his room — probably via the guest-lift — to stick his hand inside the room and grab the handbag , to take out the jewel before dumping the handbag , and then … ’
9 How if she chooses this moment and this audience to make it known that she visits us only out of pure charity , that what lies in her handsome reliquary is in reality the body of the young man who committed murder to secure her for Shrewsbury , and himself died by accident , in circumstances that made it vital he should vanish ?
10 There is a man falling , yes , but nowhere is it stated that he fell because his leg had been injured .
11 I kept a log , naturally , and therefore have it recorded that it took no less than thirty-seven of these supposed flight experiments before my trusty long-handled trowel , in biting the Skull Grounds ' earth skin , struck something harder than the sandy soil , and I finally knew where the dog 's bones were .
12 Nowhere is it suggested that she had to convert from paganism .
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