Example sentences of "it [vb past] [conj] mr [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The US secretary of state , Warren Christopher , said in Geneva that the major powers had agreed on negotiations , but it seemed that Mr Christopher did not have a cast-iron Palestinian commitment on new talks .
2 And it seemed that Mr Heathcliff hardly ever received guests .
3 But , while his security forces turned the streets of Bucharest into a killing field , it seemed that Mr Ceausescu was ready to stop at nothing .
4 Labour may decide — as it did when Mr Michael Foot stood down in 1983 — to skip a generation and opt for one of the new breed of classless , ‘ voter-friendly ’ politicians who do not carry the baggage of the party 's failures in the 1970s and 1980s .
5 It appeared that Mr Rochester , who had known Adèle and her mother very well , had brought Adèle back to England to live with him after her mother had died .
6 It said that Mr Lawrie had failed in his duty , in the absence of Mr Macleod , to provide proper guidance and instruction on treasury management to the finance department over the investment of the sums .
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