Example sentences of "it [vb past] [adv] [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It did not start to spray urine at the age when any typical male would have done so .
2 However , it did not long survive him .
3 Cattle stealing provided certain groups in rural areas with an opportunity to benefit from the economic changes along the coast and in the central highlands , but it did not long survive as an organized business once a district was penetrated deeply by plantations .
4 It did not refer to study technique but to finding a husband , a potential breadwinner , because realistically speaking , females were increasingly unlikely to obtain satisfactory employment on graduation .
5 For Labour , accommodation to the changing mood meant adopting the essentially green idea of assessing the environmental costs of growth and working them into the balance sheets ( which the Tories are also adopting ) , but it did not mean following the Greens in calling for a halt to growth .
6 Hewlett-Packard Co has seen off one of those contemptible shareholder class-action lawsuits : it was filed last August and alleged securities laws violations after the company said that it did not expect to meet analysts ' fiscal third quarter estimates ; the judge dismissed the case after Hewlett persuaded the plaintiffs that they were wasting their time and that of the court .
7 There is no final dividend and Young said it did not expect to make a payment for 1992 .
8 Polgar is against conventional schooling , he says , because ‘ it did not make learning a beloved activity . ’
9 All sides — Iran and all parties capable of doing something — can bring pressure to end this tragedy in such a manner as to avoid giving the impression that this was done to make trade or that one side has blackmailed the other into doing something it did not want to do . "
10 It did not want to part with the medium-wave lengths which allowed simulcasting on both FM and medium-wave , so that the deficiencies of one could be remedied by the other .
11 The TUC 's plans for the part of the economy which it did not want to nationalise were far removed from the anti-trust policy which the coalition was considering .
12 Ferranti carried on with the contracts because it did not want to give the purported customers an excuse not to pay back the credit .
13 Firstly , said the Government , it did not want to stifle all criticism of the way its policies were carried out .
14 Hampshire said it did not want to duck its share of the South-east 's demand for housing , but would find land enough in the south of the county in preference to development nearer London .
15 This should be resisted as the tenant could find itself paying for the costs of an appeal it did not want to pursue .
16 This , Burton 's fourth scheme , proposed a block housing the Foreign and Colonial Offices immediately to the west of the existing houses in Downing Street , and although it did not involve buying any more land , it necessitated building on the park .
17 However , it did not appear to hold any particular significance for him because he merely said , ‘ The name is Silas , Lucy . ’
18 In asserting the supremacy of the Moldavian constitution and laws throughout the republic 's territory , and that " laws and other normative acts " would take effect in Moldavia only subject to ratification by the Moldavian Supreme Soviet , it appeared to go further than the Russian and Uzbek sovereignty declarations and to be closer in spirit to the more radical declarations of the Baltic and Transcaucasian republics , since it did not appear to allow for arbitration in the event of conflict with the USSR Constitution and laws .
19 It did not appear to occur to Arghatun that they might not be able to ride .
20 For all the initiative , corporateness , political enthusiasm and managerial opportunism of planning for closure , it did not appear to bring in any noteworthy innovation .
21 The movement had grown in a climate of free enterprise , and while it remained relatively small it did not appear to threaten the capitalist market or private business .
22 He adduces some non-musical reasons ( the plague of Thomas Nashe 's London in 1592 has 400 years later a qualitative and psychological , if not numerical , counterpart ) , but the score itself speaks to us now as perhaps it did not manage to do in its own time , when for ‘ significant ’ and profound modernity people looked towards composers who made a more assertive break with tradition .
23 It did not deserve to live , but we wanted it to live .
24 The Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) said on Sept. 2 that it did not intend to issue " a clean bill of health for Iraq in the nuclear sphere " .
25 Meanwhile Sawyer announced the appointment of six Cabinet ministers to his interim administration and said that it did not intend to stay in power for more than a year .
26 But it did not do to use all one 's pieces at once .
27 It did not purport to deal with all the subject matter of the field and it was believed that :
28 It did not purport to enlarge the class of persons who might enforce the judgment or order and there was no basis for attributing any such intention or effect .
29 Since France did not receive any substantial support for this scheme it did not try to propose it on behalf of the EEC .
30 It did not need replacing .
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